INTERVIEW #15 CrazyLexy

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1. How do you think people get on the 'WHAT'S HOT LIST??????????”

Not really sure, I think you have to have a certain amount if reads for your story to get there. You get the reads by spreading word of your story, like doing R4R,connecting to FB (I don't do that though), and many other ways.

2. What is writing to you?

Writing, to me, is an escape. When I'm writing I can escape my daily life, which it okay don't get me wrong, and get lost in a different world with different people. I'm not sure about everyone else, but when I write a story I kind of want it to seem like they are real so I kina put myself in one of the character's shoes. That makes the writing so much more fun! :D

3. One thing that annoys you about Watt pad or authors on Watt pad?

I get annoyed when you agree to do a R4R, and you hold up your end of the bargain but they don't.

4. WHY should people read your stories?

I don't think people HAVE to read my stories, but I like to think that someone out there would like too. My stories are based off two things; events that happen to me and my friends, or my crazy out-of-this-world dreams. So I don't expect for EVERYONE to like my stories, but at least I know those who do like my crazy style of writing ;)

5.Favorite color?

PURPLE!! I love the color purple, and blue is my 2nd fave :D

6. FAVORITE band?

Oooohhh that one's hard! Hmmm probably Three Days Grace, but I listen to a little bit of everything :D

7. Do you have a favorite author on Wattpad? if so who and why?

No, not really. I have certain books I follow, and hold my breath until they are update, but I don't have a favorite author.

8. What attracted you to Wattpad?

Actually, some of my friends begged me to join. For a while I had wrote all my stories on paper, and they would pass them around the lunch table at school reading them. Finally they got tired of that, and begged me to put them on here. I haven’t put any of my pre-written ones on here yet, but I plan to during the summer.

9.One thing that you could tell new writers who want to put something up but arent sure about it?

Just do it! Don't be afraid, we are here to read right? If you think your writing is kinda sketchy, you can always ask someone to critique your story so you can improve your writing. You'd be surprised by how many people would love your stories.

10. When did you first start to write?

 I've been writing since I was 10, shortly after my parents got divorced, but I joined here 2/9/11.

11. Favorite season?

Winter, I love how beautiful the snow is!

12. Favorite kind of food?

Mexican food is awesome :D, but then again so is Italian!

THANKS FOR READING….. go check out CrazyLexy’s story

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