INTERVIEW #8 DangerIsNear

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1.   What would you rather read comedy or romance?

A: Comedy

2. What got you started in writing?

A: Seeing other people write great stories helped me to begin a future in writing

3. Why do you like to write?

A: I like to put my ideas down on paper, and see how other people think about it

4. How do you get ideas for your stories?

A: I kind of live on my own little world, so ideas come naturally. But sometimes I when I'm walking around and thinking an idea pops in my head and I have to keep walking for it to stay there.

5. Favorite season?

A: Winter

6. Things that annoy you about Watt pad?

A: Nothing really

7. Something that people don’t know about you?

A: I sometimes watch music videos and pretend to be the people in them

8. Do you plan your stories out or write as you go?

A: Write as I go

9. Late sleeper or early riser?

A: Late sleeper (It’s also 2 a.m. while I'm answering this)

10. Favorite subject in school?

A: Science

11. What makes you different than other writers?

A: My stories are really crazy and sometimes don't make sense

12. One thing that you think you can do to improve your writing?

A: Slow down and add more detail to make my stories more interesting

Thanks for reading…go check out DangerIsNear’s book: link below!

INTERVIEWS:)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora