Intervirew #9 De2ire

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1. Favorite TV show:

The Biggest loser, it motivates to lose weight but I usually end up sitting on the couch eating ice cream.

2. Favorite childhood memory?

Being part of the school play, where we actually had to verse other schools, this has to be my favorite because it was the only time my dad didn't miss out on an important event in my life. Also everyone I loved was there to support me while on stage.

3. When did you start writing?

Last year was when I started writing, “A smile for Dee" is my first and only novel on wattpad.

4. What does writing mean to you?

Writing to me is a form of entertainment, I guess but it holds much deeper meaning. For me it's a way to communicate with the world, it's a form of sending a message across. For me writing is a way of showing everyone else how I see the world personally.

5. What is one thing you wish for?

I know everyone might wish to end poverty or I don't know be famous or something but for me I wish for a child s voice to be heard. Allot things happen to children now; they are the victims of the adult’s actions and most of the time we don't know. Once you break a child there's no bringing them back, so my wish is for children to have a higher value in this society.

6. How did you come up with your username?'

This quite a funny one back in grade Eight, me and a friend dreamed of making it big in the fashion industry. She suggested Desire as our label, and then together we changed it to De2ire. And that has been my username since.

7. What would you like to do when you grow up and why?

Since I was ten, I found my love for fashion and I’m pretty keen in heading in that direction as a career. If I get the chance. As an art student I found that I’m able to express my ideas in the form of garment designs so hopefully I will be heading that direction. But recently I've gained an interest in writing so you never know, I might just do that.

8. Favorite season?

Late spring early summer, it's not too hot and it's not too cold

9. One thing that annoys you about Wattpad?

Well, I haven't been on wattpad long enough to find something that annoys me, but when I do I’ll let you know.

10. What sets you apart from other Wattpad authors?

 umm, that's a hard one, okay I don't know how old most of the writers her are, but I’m only fifteen and I don't do clichés and I can't write a romance even if my life depended on it. I’m not sure that's a good thing, ooh here's good one I try to make my readers to look at life differently, that it's not all sunshine's and flowers but there are dark clouds living among us.

11. One reason why someone should read your stories?

well its different, although it's only three chapters long at the moment as the book progresses as a reader hopefully you'll be able to see life differently even what seems good can be evil and that revenge will scar the innocent. Oh and it's a mystery.

12. Reading or writing?

Like I said I haven't been writing for too long so maybe right now I’ll choose reading

Thanks for reading go check out de2ire’s story: link below!

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