Interview #12PurpleMuiscxX

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1.               Favorite kind of music?

I really don’t have a favorite kind, because I love everything from Nickleback to Taylor Swift to Kelly Clarkson. Music is pretty much my life.

2.      Favorite food?

Hmm...That’s a hard one…probably honey roasted peanuts, yum!

3.      Why do you like to write?

 Writing lets me create my own world and sometimes I even get lost in a story. It also helps me relax after a long day


4.      What is a hobby you like to do besides writing?


I enjoy listening to music in my free time, also doodling too.

5.      Writing or reading?

Writing, because I also get to read what I wrote!


6.      One thing that annoys you about Wattpad.


Um…I really don’t have any complaints about Wattpad, it words for me.

7.      Favorite kind of books to read such as romance or sci-fi?


Either romance or teen fiction!


8.      Why did you start writing on this site?


My cousin showed me the site and told me it was a great way to get my ideas out there, plus I get to get feedback from other writers.

9.      If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?

Italy, because I heard that they have great pasta!


10.    Favorite book on Wattpad? Published?

Wattpad: The Kissing Booth by Reekles.

Published: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

11.    How do you think of a new twist in a story?

It really depends, sometimes it just hits me, other times my friends help me with it.


12.    Do you plan out everything that is going to happen in your story? Or do you plan it as you go?

Again, that also depends. Most of the time I plan it out, even just briefly, but there are a few stories and papers that I just write as I go.

THANKS FOR READING..Check out PurpleMuiscxX’s story

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