Interview #10 FofoaivaoeseUngor

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1.    What does writing mean to you?

For me, writing is a get-away. It’s something that I can use to vent my thoughts and emotions on. 

2. When did you start writing?

I started seriously writing when I was in the seventh grade; which is when I started writing my story Trust and Betray. :D

3. Writing or reading?

Um, I really can’t decide between the two because reading definitely gives me inspiration; on the other hand, writing does help relieve my emotions. 

4. Give advice or rather receive advice?

Among my friends, I’ve been more of the person who listens and gives advice rather than being the person receiving them. :D

5. If you could speak another language what would it be and why?

I would want to speak Italian because I am part Italian but I have never had the opportunity to learn since I was born in Samoa and therefore learned the Samoan language instead. 

6. What would you say if someone was scared to post their stories?

I’d tell them that they should give it a shot! :D It never hurts to try! I know that I was completely nervous about posting my stories here on wattpad but when I finally decided to… it came out a lot better than I thought! I honestly didn’t think no one would like my stories but when I began getting great feedback, I grew more confident with myself as a writer.  So it never hurts to try, and to try your best. There will always be someone out there who will appreciate the stories you have to share!

7. Why did you start posting stories?

I started posting my stories because I had this urge to. I don’t know but whenever I read a book and it didn’t end the way I wanted it to, I would get a bit irritated so… I decided to write a book that would end the way I wanted it to! 

8. Do you have a favorite author on wattpad?

No, not really. There are a lot of really great writers on here so I can’t really decide who my favorite is.

9. Favorite animal?       

Um, I actually have three ^-^” they’re manatees, puffins, and penguins! :D

10. What is your favorite published author?

Hmm… this is a toughie. I’d probably have to go with Jane Austen because I absolutely love her book Pride and Prejudice.

11. What is your favorite season?


12. How did you get the idea for your story?

I was actually watching the most recent Robin Hood movie when I thought it’d be interesting to make a werewolf romance… I don’t know how it gave me that inspiration but it did. 

THANKS FOR READING…go check out FofoaivoeseUngor’s story!!! Link below!!

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