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Elliot's POV

Lunch was weird, it seemed like there was tension between everyone at the table.

A couple hours go by and I sit on the edge of Dani's desk talking over a case from a couple weeks ago. I could sense Olivia's eyes burning holes into my back. I clear my throat and get up turning around to walk to my desk and see Olivia watching me from the corner of my eye.

Olivia's POV

Dani Beck being around my husband always puts me on edge. Don't get me wrong I trust Elliot with my life, I know he wouldn't hurt me...on purpose at least.

But I don't know about her. She's always nice to my face, but I have no idea how she is when I'm not around. And lately it's felt like something off. Just something about her made me uneasy, more than usual.

What if she told me she wouldn't say a word about what she saw between Nick and I earlier just to go behind my back and tell Elliot anyway. I don't know what her motive of doing that would even be though.

I need to stop worrying and relax.

Nick's POV

"Liv." I put my hand on her shoulder "you coming?"

"What?" Olivia jumps at my touch.

"You need to cut the day dreaming." I chuckle at her "we have to go sit on the guys office."

I watch as Liv stands up putting her coat on. She's so beautiful. I know she's married to the hot head behind me, but I wish she would give me a chance.

Elliot must have seen the way I was looking at her because as we pass him he stands up and kisses Olivia, passionately. They whisper I love you's and we left.

Elliot's POV

I watch as my wife and Amaro walk to the elevator. Then Dani's phone goes off her head pops up.

"We'll be right there." She hangs up and stand up. "We got a case. They need us down in Central Park."

I stand up grabbing the keys and we leave.

We make our way over to the scene and I notice our new forensics guy.

"Stuckey. What's up?" I yell as we approach

"Body in the bushes. Female, early thirties. Just beaucoup lacerations. Clothes are all slashed to hell. I'm going to go out on a limb and say sexually assaulted, but we ah"

"You go out too far, you might fall off." I cut him off

"Yeah. Anyways, I peeped a couple of deep stab wounds. So, bet those are your COD."

"All right. Thanks, Stuckey. We'll see you later." Dani pats him on the back and he walks away but doesn't seem to go very far

I lift up a fanny pack and pull out a license.

"Kansas driver's license. Rachel Nauss, Topeka, 32 years old."

"She's wearing a wedding ring. Probably not a robbery." Dani unfolds her hand to reveal the ring

"That is serious overkill for an unarmed woman, right? Hey, what if it's a warning? Like, she's in cahoots with the Mafia, but double-crossed them, and now they're sending a message." Stuckey pops out. Dani and I look at each other and she walks around me ignoring him.

"Someone's hearing zebras." I say

"Sorry. Did I miss something?" He looks between us

"Dale, did anybody ever tell you that if you hear hoof beats in Central Park, don't think zebras?" Dani says as she crotches down next to the victim

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