Morning You Two

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Dani's POV

I feel warm, cozy, and safe. His arms wrapped around me give me a feeling I've only felt with one other man, my husband.

My face is resting on his chest, one of his arms is under me with his hand resting on my lower back. The other is resting across his torso with his hand landing on my waist. I could stay this way forever.

I open my eyes and look up at him. He was up even though he didn't make it known. I could tell, his breathing changed. When he's sleeping his heart beat is almost impossible to find and his face is calm. No sense of worry or anger found. I close my eyes for a few minutes then someone started to speak it.

"Well well well isn't this a lovely sight"

My eyes shot open as well did Elliot's, but he didn't move just mumbled.


"What stabler you're not happy to see me?"

"Dana we were gonna meet you at 9" Elliot spoke as he got up

"Yes you were supposed to meet me at 9 that is correct, it's 11"

I immediately look at the clock and saw the time, 11:03 a.m.

"We have to meet the owner in two hours" I hop up getting dressed

"Okay so I don't have much time to debrief you two, great. Get dressed. Fast! And we'll talk while we get you guys set up"

"Fine" Elliot nods his head and Dana leaves the room. Elliot gets in the shower and I stand there for a moment.

I approach the bathroom hesitantly. I reach for the shower door and open it. Elliot stands there fully nude. I bite my lower lip and then my eyes meet his. No word were being exchanged.

Elliot's POV

Her hands reach down to the bottom of the shirt she has on and she lift it over her head, exposing her body.

I have no idea what to say, except for her body is stunning, fit, tight, toned. She put one foot in the shower then the other. Soon enough she was standing in front of me.

Dani puts her hand on my chest and slowly leans into me putting her lips against mine. Something took over me and a shower that was suppose to take five minutes ended up being closer to thirty.

Dani's POV

It was amazing. His hands didn't leave one part of me untouched. He was careful and cautious of each step he took until I felt all of him inside me then something took over him and it was everything I thought it would be.

After it was a little awkward. He's being quiet not saying much as he gets dressed.

"That shower was really nice" I smile and put my shirt on

Nothing not even a glance


"Mmhm?" He stares at his shoes, tying them.

"Are we okay?"


And just like that I could tell this day wasn't going to go well.

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