I've been up for an hour now sitting in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal with only the outside street light outside lighting the room. It's 5 am and I have to leave in half an hour to get to the office by 6. I'm both nervous and excited about these interviews that we will have to conduct today, the fact that I'm not sure if I will have to interview anyone adds to my nerves.

When I reach the building I notice there are no lights on but I still enter using my phone's torch. Dominic and I didn't discuss the exact place we are going to meet but I guess he meant our office since he may have to pick some documents up.

Around 5 minutes after 6 a light flicks on outside the office and I hear someone walking down the corridor. My heart beats a little faster from nerves that I shouldn't be here at this hour. Luckily seconds later Dominic comes into view.

"Excellent you're here," he fails to greet me and walks straight over to his desk removing some documents.

"Good morning," I say and he looks up at me.

"Sorry Sophia, good morning. I'm a little stressed at this impromptu trip, my girlfriend isn't too happy that I'm going to be gone for a couple of days." He says. My eyes go wide with shock. Did he just say a couple of days?

"A couple of days?"

"Yes we're travelling to New York, the flight there and back will take up most of our time if we tried to do this in one day. You did pack an overnight bag right?" He questions and I feel a little stupid. Did he mention this before and I just zoned out or did he leave out these details accidentally?

"No... I-I didn't realise..." I stuttered.

"That's okay, we will be staying at my sister's house anyway. I'm sure she has something you can wear to bed," He says with a small smirk. I can't tell whether he is being genuine or not.

"Thank you but we can stop off at my apartment on the way to the airport and I can grab a couple of things," I tell him but he immediately shakes his head.

"We don't have enough time, we'll miss the flight."

"Oh...are you sure she won't mind?" I ask him. What other choice do I really have? If I make a bad impression on my second day I could lose my job, Dominic could tell Mr Quinn I'm not up to the task.

"She won't even be there so we will have the place all to ourselves," He smirks yet again and I just nod.

"I'm just going to pop to the restroom before we head out, I'll meet you downstairs," I smile and excuse myself from the office. True to my word go to the restroom. Staring at myself in the mirror I realise how different I am beginning to look. I am dressed in a smart jacket, blouse and pencil skirt which gives off a professional vibe, my reading glasses sit atop my head keeping my hair out of my face.

"Oh, you conveniently forgot to mention we would be staying over night?" I say to myself referring to Dominic, how could he forget such an important detail? Im starting to feel quite uncomfortable about all of this.

Remembering Willow's words from yesterday I decided to check the time. I had only been in here for a minute so he shouldn't be expecting me back too quickly, after all, most women take a lot longer to finish their business in the restroom than men.

I made my way out of the restroom located on the same floor as our office and took the elevator down to the third floor. The IT department was dark just as it was yesterday, the only difference being that Willow's office light was not on. She must not be in yet. The hope that her office door was not locked was the only thing I had giving me comfort about this situation. The small device I had refused yesterday now doesn't seem like such a bad idea and I just hope that it is still where I left it.

I twisted the doorknob and it opened. The light switch was not too hard to find and once I switched it on I looked in the direction of where I had left the USB last night. To my surprise, the device was still there and I breathed a sigh of relief. Laying underneath the small device was a folded letter with my name on it. What the heck?

Unfolding the piece of paper I saw a phone number and the words
I knew you would come back for it. Be careful, call me if you need anything.

Having this strange woman looking out for me gave me comfort. The fact that we know nothing about each other doesn't seem to bother me in the slightest, after all, she isn't the one who forgot to tell me that we would be flying to New York and staying the night there. In fact, she has warned me of something strange happening within the company and even though there's no proof or reason to raise concern yet, I have learnt you shouldn't ignore the signs and Dominic is definitely giving quite a few.

I slipped the device and the note into my pocket, turned off the light and shut the door before meeting Dominic downstairs. By the time I reached the lobby, Dominic was already pacing back and forth like a madman.

"There you are, I thought you might have had second thoughts," he says as if I was gone for a whole hour when in reality I was only gone for 5 minutes.

"Sorry I couldn't find the restroom. You would think that after 2 months I would have learnt my way around," I lie which he luckily believes and nods.

"Let's get going."

Our drive to the airport is pleasant. Dominic is driving his Range Rover and I am sat in the passenger's seat. Once we are parked up we walk inside but rather than going through all normal procedures Dominic leads me to a quieter section of the airport reserved for private aircrafts.

"We are going on a private plane?" I ask absolutely bewildered. Is he that rich?

"The company has a couple, Mr Quinn insisted we take it. After all the plane will be picking up some potential investors from New York on our way back so it's not a big loss for him," Dominic assured me as we walk to the plane. "Have you been on one before?"

"No but it's always been a dream," I lie for the second time today. Of course, I had been on a private plane before. It was Noah's when we went to Hawaii but I can't tell him that, it's not something he needs to know or anyone. I was in the newspaper once, a picture of Noah and I at the charity gala for children with cancer when I was just his roommate but apart from that our relationship was always quiet. If word got out that I dated (if you can even call it that) one of the richest men in the state I would definitely be the talk of the town and I am just here to work.

We take our seats. Dominic is seated to my right. He leans in so that his lips are inches from my ear, immediately my breath catches in my throat. I can feel his hand on my thigh, he squeezes it and whispers, "you'll love it."

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