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Belle's POV

 I watched Kayla leave the room but kept my head down. I know I should have defended her but I couldn't. I thought Rydel was right. 

Everyone was shocked though and diverted their attention towards Joann, who was wrapped in Rocky's arms, stared at the ceiling. Rocky pulled away from her and made her look at him. 

"It's true, isn't it? I made you cry? Oh god, I'm such a terrible boyfriend." 

"No, it's okay. I've probably done it to you too. I know you didn't mean it, you were just intoxicated." They hugged and I looked with envy. 

Why couldn't I find someone to love me like that? To hold me and call me beautiful and say they love me?


Rydel's POV 

When Ross and Kayla came back into the room, Kayla and I glared at each other. 

"Um, why did you just look at us like that?" Ross asked. 

"Ask Kayla.... She seems to know how to read my mind." I said without breaking my stare. 

"You know what, Rydel? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I just wanted some support and ruined your evening. And I'm sorry I thought I was helping my sister. Is that what you wanted? To make me feel like the shittiest person in the world? Well, congratulations. You've done it. Do you want a pat on the back now?" Kayla yelled and ran out the front door. I was shocked. I didn't expect her to go out at me like that. 

"Really, Rydel? You just had to push the limits." Ross said and ran after her. 

I felt terrible. All she wanted was to help someone and all I did was blame her for everything and acted like an evil person. I was speechless just like everyone else so I ran up to my room and locked the door. 


Riker's POV

There was so much tension in the room. Rydel and Kayla fled, Ross and Ratliff ran after them, Ricky's passed out on the couch, and Belle was staring off into space. Ryland was playing video games in the other room and was completely oblivious to the situation. 

I looked over at Belle and took in her beautiful features. As I stared, flashbacks from last night kept coming back into my mind. 


I was taking another shot, maybe my third or fourth, when Belle stumbled over to me. She was drunk. Like really drunk. She fell on me and tried to lift up my shirt. 

"I like you. You're funny and hot. And have a very hot body,"She slurred. I was shocked. 

I liked her too but I didn't want her to confess it like this. She grabbed my face and pressed my lips to hers. I didn't deny them but I wanted to make sure we didn't go too far. She was drunk and I know she wouldn't want that if she was sober. 

We continued to make out before she started sliding her hands up my shirt. I let her, totally forgetting about waiting. 

I was brought back to my senses when I heard Kayla yelling that we needed to leave.I felt Belle pulled off of me and she pouted but I just followed her to the car. 


I guess I have Kayla to thank or else I would have gone too far. Maybe even become a father. 


Ryland's POV (YAY!!)

I was "playing video games" in the room next to where all the action was happening. 

What Is Love? (A Ross and Rocky Lynch/R5 FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now