Chapter 25

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Riker's POV (oooooohhhhhh, yeah!!!)

"Riker, go get some food!!" Ross groaned.

"Why can't you get it?" I groaned back.

"Because, Rocky has the car." I mentally told myself to beat up Rocky later. I sighed and grabbed my keys before going to the diner. I made a note to not make Ross upset, because he really missed Kayla.

It was crazy how much he did.

I walked into the diner and ordered our food and sat down at a table. The only other people in the diner were a group of senior citizens playing bingo and a couple on a date. They were laughing. The girl looked really familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on who it was.

"Kayla, you're really funny."

Wait, Kayla?

"No, I'm not." She blushed and playfully shoved him while batting her eyelashes. I looked at her face more closely and realized it was her. She had light brown hair and it was cut and it looked like she had hazel contacts but it was still her.

I observed them closely, and a minute later he leaned in for a kiss. They kissed and I looked away. 

She was on a date with someone else.

I was confused, so I called Ross.

Ross: Hello?

Me: Hey! Uhm, you've kissed Kayla before, right?

Ross: Yes... Why?

Me: No reason! No reason at all! Bye!

She was right here and we still couldn't find her. Right under our noses. Ross would be so happy to know she was here, but not so happy to know she is two timing.

But I can't tell him. It would break his heart. He was already sulking, this would make it worse. The waitress gave me my food but not without winking and writing her phone number down on my receipt.

Umm.. no.

Once I got outside, I threw it away. She looked too much like a slut. I got in the car and think. I pull out my phone and dial Joann's number.


Joann's POV

My phone began to ring and Rydel picked up since she was closer to it.

Rydel: Hello? Oh, hey Riker. I'm gonna put you on speaker.

I hear Riker's protesting but Rydel puts him on speaker anyway.

Riker: I've got some good news and bad news.

Me: Can I have the good news?

Riker: I found your sister.

Everyone was quiet for a while.

Me: What?

Riker: I was at the diner and I saw her.

Me: That's great!

Rydel: Wait. What's the bad news?

Riker: (with hesitation) Um... it looked like she was on a date.

Me: She couldn't have. She loves Ross.

Rydel and I looked at each other and frowned.

Riker: Well, he was flirting. She was blushing and batting her eyelashes, and kissed him. That looks like a date to me.

Rydel: Did you tell Ross?

Riker: No. I'm not stupid, Rydel. He would be devastated. Now that I think about it, the guy looked like Connor Franta. You know, that YouTuber?

I nodded my head.

Me: Of course, it is. She loved him almost as much as Ross... Oh my gosh! Riker! I have to go! Bye!

I hung up. I looked at Rydel.

"We have to get to Cali."'

What Is Love? (A Ross and Rocky Lynch/R5 FanFiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن