Chapter 29

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Joann's POV

Rydel and I go to the grocery store on Riker's orders to make Ross some food to make him something. Riker said that Ross would eat anything but we should make him something that would cheer him up. After I talked to him, he stayed silent and staying in his room for the whole day. No one knew what he was doing so we let him have his space.

We were in the vegetable aisle. 'Everything there looked terrible so we left. We got into the car and drove.

I stopped at the crosswalk and let the pedestrians walk by.

I looked down to get my bracelet that dropped in between my seats, when Rydel yelled.

Rydel: Joann?! Get up! I found Kayla!

I looked up quickly to see. It was Kayla!

I honked my horn twice before she noticed me.

She stood there in shock. There were other cars behind me, so I pulled over and told her to meet me in the local parking lot.

As I waited for her to walk there, I told Rydel, "This is going to be hella interesting".

She got to the car, so Rydel and I got out.

She looked at us and did a half smile.

Kayla: Rydel, Joann, good to see you.

Me: Kayla!

I ran and gave her a hug but she stood stiff in my arms.

Me: How are you doing?

Kayla: Ross hung up on me and I don't know why. I mean life is not going as I expected. I have no stable house and have no job. So... Pretty crappy

Me: You deserved it. You broke Ross's heart by cheating on him.

Kayla: That's exactly my point!!!! No one asked me what happened did they?

Me: Riker saw you. There is no explanation!

Kayla: No he didn't!! He saw Connor kissing me!! I didn't kiss back, I told him to stop. I turned him down because I love Ross. Okay? That's what happened. I'm sick of everyone blaming me. This is exactly why I left. No one gives me a chance.

Rydel and I were shocked. We stood there gaping and Kayla looked us with disgust and stormed away.

"Wait! Kayla!" I ran after her. She turned around.

"What do you want?"

I looked at the angry look in her eye.

"I'm sorry. We didn't mean to accuse you and we apologize. And I was wondering if you wanted to come back with us?"

She looked at me, disgusted. "Why would I do that? So they can all judge me too?"

I shook my head. "I know you want to see Ross again. I know you miss him and deep down, like really really deep, he misses you too. Please?" I did my puppy eyes.

"Fine. Only if you never do that again. You look like an idiot." I squealed and hugged her.


"Give me the address." I handed her the address, gave her a final hug.


Me: Rocky!! Rocky!! I need to tell you something.

Rocky: What?

I ran into his room to see him shirtless. I stared at his chest which he laughed and smiled.

Rocky: Haven't your parents told you staring is rude?

Me: Well, aren't you Mister Cocky, huh?

Rocky: But I know you love me.

Me: That I do.

It slipped out before I could hold it back. He looked shocked.

"I do too. I mean not me, I mean I do for you, um..." I walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged back and we locked eye contact. We both leaned in at the same time and the kiss started out innocent but became a heated make out session. We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

I untangle myself from Rocky and run to the door. I open it to see Kayla, looking more beautiful than ever. Her hair were in waves and she had a lace crop top on and high-waisted shorts.

I let her in and she looked around.

"Nice place." I nodded and walked to Ross's room.

"Ross, can you open the door? Someone's here to talk to you."

"I don't feel like talking."

Kayla stood forward and pulled a bobbypin out of her hair. She picked the lock and pushed the door open with her foot. (Mikayla14356: Because I'm a badass)

"Well, it's time to talk."

What Is Love? (A Ross and Rocky Lynch/R5 FanFiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum