Chapter 7

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Kayla's POV

Well, Joann just left to California without telling me why. Maybe it was to see Aunt Karen. 

Oh, well. I have the whole house to myself. I call my friends, Arin, Shelby, Amanda, Samantha, and Hope.

I have my sister's house to myself. Wanna come over?

I have all positive answers and I make the house presentable for my friends. The doorbell rings 30 minutes later. 

"Happy Birthday!!" my friends yelled. I was shocked and then I realized that it was my birthday.

"Oh my gosh! Thanks guys! I just completely forgot it was my birthday!" They looked at me with confusion.


"It's a long story. Come in and I'll tell you." They took off their shoes and we went into the kitchen where I was cooking spaghetti. 

"So this is your sister's apartment?" Shelby asked.

"Yep. I live here now." I drained the pasta and put it in a bowl. 

"Where is she?" Sammy asked.

"She just left for California like an hour ago." I said frowning. I can't believe she left me on my birthday.

I served everyone pasta and sat down.

"That sucks. Can you tell us that story?" Hope asked. 

I told them about Benedicta and the first concert and then the second concert. I told them about meeting R5 and how Joann gave Rocky her number which led to Rocky giving Ross my number. I told them about my dad kicking me out and moving in here.

"So, I've been texting Ross the whole time and that's why I forgot about my birthday." Just then, my phone went off and I saw it was Ross trying to FaceTime me. I squealed and tried to toss my hair over my shoulders but I remembered that my wrap was still on. 

"OMG! Can you guys pick it up while I fix my hair?" Without waiting for an answer, I ran down the hall. I took my scarf off my head and quickly combed my hair through. I run back to see my friends talking to Ross.

"If you hurt her, I will cut off your balls and feed them to wolves." I heard Arin say.

"And cut off your blonde hair to make wigs for my grandma." Amanda added. I quickly walked in and took the phone from my friends. 

"That's enough, guys. I'm so sorry. What's up?" I rambled. He laughed and my friends stared at me while I talked to him. 

"It's okay." The camera went black for a couple seconds and when the camera came back into focus, I saw all the members of R5 show up. I look at my friends and saw them holding a cake. I started tearing up. They all sang happy birthday to me and I blew out my candles. 

By then, I was crying. My friends hugged me tightly and I realized R5 were still there. I quickly wiped away my tears and laughed.

"Thank you guys! So much! This is the best birthday ever! It's just..." I faded off.

"What?" Samantha asked.

"I just wish my family were here." I looked at them and smiled. 

"Happy birthday, baby!!" I heard someone call behind me.


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