“It’s Ryan. Would you stop screaming?” I heard said annoyed

“Well, I don’t think he’s breathing anymore.” Ryan snap “Yeah.. We’re trap at the mall now.. Okay.” I heard Ryan said.

“Kenny is coming to pick us up.” He sigh. We wait in silent for like an hour until Kenny pick us up. Kenny look at me in disappointment during the whole ride back to the hotel. I just look away not making eye contact with anybody.

Once we reach the hotel room. Scooter was already waiting inside. “Sit!” he command with anger. I obeyed him didn’t dare looking at his face.

“What the hell were you thinking?! Sneaking out like that huh? You should know better Justin!” he said trying to not to raise his voice at me which I know he can explode any second now.

“I.. I’m.. So.. Sorry Sco..” my shaking voice was cut by Scooter.

 “Sorry is not going to cut out for you Justin! You should be more responsible. First you went missing 2 days a go and I let you slip with that  but now you sneaking out without any supervision. What were you thinking?!”he snap at me breathing heavily. I just look at my lap.

“I at least have the decency to let you bring your friends on the road with you but is this how you repay me? By being a very irresponsible brat!” he finish making me snap my head at him.

My eyes brims with tears that could fall down any second now. I do not like when people scream at me and now he call me a brat?

“I’m not a brat! I was just being like any other normal teenagers out there!” I tried to yell at him but it came out weak as I try to hold my sob.

“Well. Get in that little brain of yours that your not NORMAL anymore and you NEVER will be!” he yell at me looking at my eyes that already have tears fall down my cheek but I didn’t even care to wipe it away.

I stood up from my seat wiping my eyes that tears never seems to stop falling down. “I FUCKING HATE YOU!” I scream at him and ran in to my suit and slam the door as I sob in to my bed. “I hate my life! It’s not fair!” I yell on my pillow.


Jason POV

Everyone stood there in shock as we heard the door slam shut. I look at Scooter seeing his full of anger face a few minutes a go now turns to full of regret. He sigh and seat on the couch rubbing his temple.

“You don’t have to say that you know Scoot?” Kenny said at Scooter taking a seat beside him. Scooter sigh again.

“I know. I was just angry. He drives me crazy sometimes. He went missing twice Kenny. What if anything happen to him or something?” he said softly still rubbing his temple.

Kenny chuckle. “Well, he’s a kid bro. It his job to drive us adult crazy. Don’t worry about it. He didn’t mean what he said. It’s Justin, he’ll get over it later.” He reassure.

Scooter nod his head slowly. “Hope so. I’ll have a talk with him later and as for now.” He trail off staring at the four of us making us gulp.

“Care to explain boys?” he ask raising one of his eyebrows. We didn’t say anything for a few minutes.

“Guys?” Scooter said sternly.

“It was my idea!” I said making all of their eyes wide.

“What?! No, it’s not! It was mine.” Ryan then but in.

We're Brothers (Justin Bieber and Jason Mccan)Where stories live. Discover now