Chapter Sixteen: The Seventh Meeting

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 Gustav waited. He waited to see if Oliver would write to him, would apologize and ask Gustav to forgive him.

 For a few weeks, Gustav heard nothing, not a word. He thought about writing to Oliver to see if he was all right, but then he didn't. Oliver should be the first one to reach out, he thought. But if Gustav went too long without hearing from his boyfriend, he would go to England himself if he had to.

 But after those few weeks, Gustav began to think. Yes, he still loved Oliver; he was fairly certain he was in love. However, he began to cool down a bit, so to speak. Maybe, he realized, he had gone too fast with their relationship. He kissed Oliver too soon, practically forced him to meet his family when he might not have been ready for that yet, and now this was the position they were in.

 Gustav felt terrible when he thought about it that way. If he and Oliver managed to make up, he would start over. He would a better boyfriend, he would do better in their relationship. He would do his best to be better and be what the man he loved needed.


 Tommy Olsson was surprised when he opened the apartment door. "Oliver! What are you doing here?"

 "I, um...I came to see Gustav," Oliver answered. "It's really important. I have to apologize to him, and just...well, see if he even wants me around anymore."

 "Oh. Gustav!" Tommy called. "Someone's here to see you!"

 Gustav didn't ask who it was. He just walked in and looked hopefully at Oliver.

 "I'm going to give you some time alone. Call me if you need me." Tommy quickly left the living room, and they heard his bedroom door close loudly.

 "I wasn't sure I would be hearing from you again," Gustav said.

 "I wasn't sure you would even want to see me again," Oliver replied. "Look, I know it was wrong of me to sort of keep you a secret. I told my parents I have a boyfriend."

 "Oh. did that go?"

 He shrugged. "Not so bad. They were definitely surprised, but I think they can live with it. I told them a little about you, and they seemed a little disappointed in me when I told them I upset you the last time I saw you. They suggested I find you and try to apologize. So...that's what I'm here for. I'm sorry for hurting you, Gustav. That's the last thing I wanted to do in our relationship."

 Gustav gave him a nod and a small smile. "Well, I think I have something to apologize for, too. I think I went a little too fast for you. First, we were just sort of friends writing back and forth, then I kissed you, then I got to come meet my family, and then we decided to be boyfriends. I understand if you weren't comfortable. I have missed you, Oliver. If you ask anybody in my family, they'll tell you how weird I've been acting the last few weeks. Is there...well, we can start over somehow, can't we? We can try this again and see what happens."

 Oliver smiled. "That's what I was hoping you would agree to. I still want something with you, Gustav. And I do have a surprise for you, something you were asking me about: my parents would like to have you over for dinner sometime, because they think I should have introduced you to them by now."

 Gustav smiled broadly, and kissed his boyfriend, happy to have this chance to try again, and make things work better this time around.

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