Chapter Three: Gustav and Declan

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A/N: Declan Malfoy is an OC of mine who played a main role in an earlier HP fanfic, Letters To Harry.



 Since we're both in the same place for once, I'm having this note sent right over to you.

 Can you believe it's been almost twenty years since you and I first met? I can't tell you how glad I am that I got to spend that year at Hogwarts. The only problem was that when I went back to Durmstrang the next year, it just seemed all the more gloomy.

 What do you say we meet up for a drink or something after the match? It's been a while since I last saw you in person, and we must have things to catch up on.



 If you're writing to me and being so nice and happy because you think I won't be angry when you find a way to beat me in the match, I'm not going to tell you whether or not that will work, because I know you can be a real sneak when you feel like it. Knowing you, I also know you're going to take that as a compliment.

 Of course I would want to meet and catch up. It's been two years since I last saw you in person. You always seem to have an interesting story to tell me whenever I see you.

 See you at the match.



 When Gustav Olsson and Declan Malfoy met outside the stadium when the match was over, Declan asked, "All right, how did you do it?"

 "Do what?"

 "You know what I mean. If I find out you cheated somehow, then I'll know how I couldn't intercept most of your goals."

 "It's called talent," Gustav protested. "And you can't cheat in the World Cup. Do you know how fast you'd get found out if you did? Someone would notice something was off. And we actually have been checked for cheating. You're not the only one suspicious."

 Declan nodded. "Well, if you insist-"

 "I do insist."

 "All right, I'll believe it. Rest of the team's probably mad at me now for letting the opponent get so many points. That's why I made sure to come straight out here after getting out of my uniform. So, where are we going?"

 "Hey, we're in your home country. Apparate us to a good pub, I guess. If we sit in the corner and look like we're not someone you should mess around with, no Muggles should bother us."

 "I don't think anyone would pick a fight with us," Declan said. "Well, I hope not. Neither of us are exactly good with our fists. Come on."

 "Well, I can do some fist-fighting," said Gustav. "I'd defend us both. Your Swedish is still mediocre, by the way."

 Declan glared at him. "Thanks," he said, switching to English. "It's not like you ever bothered to learn Irish, so English it is."

 When they were sitting together in a corner table of a pub, just as Gustav said they should, Gustav asked, "So, how are things with you and that man of yours? Assuming you're still with him?"

 Declan rolled his eyes. "His name is Harry, and we're still together. We've managed to make things work all these years."

 "Hmm. Does Harry know you're out getting drinks with the man who was once your first kiss?"

 "No, but I told him I was going to being seeing you in the match. He wasn't able to make it for this one, and it's probably a good thing he couldn't. We'll have to try to win the next match to keep the team's morale going."

 "Well, it isn't my fault your team has so many new members. Aren't you the only one who isn't new this year?"

 "No, Gustav, a few of the other members have played in the Cup before. You really are terrible with remembering faces, you know that?"

 "Yes, yes, I've owned up to that. So, do you know anyone from the UK team named Oliver Wood?"

 "Oliver Wood?" Declan repeated. "Yes, I've played against him before. He's a friend of Harry's from school. Why, have you met him?"

 "Yes, I got to know him a little when we played against each other. I was only wondering if you knew him."

 "Yeah, I do," Declan said slowly. "You planning to try to woo him?"

 "Well," Gustav smiled slyly, "I have the charm for it, don't I? You certainly know that."

 "Gustav, we kissed once when we were teenagers. In case you haven't noticed, I'm thirty-four and in a good relationship. And don't ask me to be my best man if Harry and I ever get married, because you know I'd pick Rolf."

 Gustav sighed. "You know, you're just no fun sometimes, Declan Malfoy. All right, I suppose we ought to get going, back to the pitch."

 The two men parted outside the stadium, with Gustav saying, "But remember, if I don't manage to woo anyone and you have a falling-out with Harry...", and Declan walking away without bothering to respond to that.

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