Chapter Eight: Gustav In Love

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 A/N: The faceclaim for Alice Johansson is Molly Sanden, Birgitta Berg Johansson is Sarah Brightman, and Magnus Johansson is Nathaniel Parker.


 Gustav Olsson was in love with Oliver Wood. Most people would probably think it was too soon for him to be thinking he was already in love, but none of that mattered to Gustav. He was in love, and that was all that mattered to him.

 When he returned to Stockholm, Tommy Olsson knew there was something different about his little brother. Thankfully, it didn't seem like it was anything bad, so he decided it wasn't necessary for him to butt into it. If it was important, Gustav would tell him about it eventually.

 "So? How was England?" Tommy asked. He was standing in the open doorway of Gustav's bedroom, as Gustav unpacked his suitcase.

 "Ah, Tommy. Oliver lives the most ideal English countryside town. There are other witches and wizards in the village, and Oliver has his own little house on the edge of town. I stayed there with him for five days, and it was magnificent."

 Tommy nodded. "It sounds like you really enjoyed yourself while you were there."

 "Oh, I did, Tommy. I did." Gustav paused. "Tommy, I kissed him. Just as I was leaving."

 Tommy raised his eyebrows. "You kissed him?"

 "Yeah. I did."

 " did he respond?"

 "I think he liked it," Gustav answered. "It seemed like he did. He asked if we could see each other again sometime. I think that means he likes me."

 "That's good, Gustav. Now, don't forget, we're going to Mom and Magnus' for dinner tomorrow. I think Alice will be there, too. They know you went to England, so they're going to ask about it."

 Gustav sighed. "Fine. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it." He smiled at Tommy. "Congratulations. You're the first to know."

 Tommy smiled and chuckled. "All right, then, if you're sure. I hope this Oliver knows what kind of man he's got on his hands now."


 "Gustav, Tommy told me you went to England," Birgitta Johansson said when the five of them were seated at the table. "You were visiting a friend?"

 "Oh. Yeah. His name's Oliver Wood. Um, I met briefly years ago, and we recently reconnected," Gustav replied slowly, trying to word it. "I met him in 1994, when Dad took me and Tommy to Ireland vs. Bulgaria. I met him again last year, during the Cup. He's the Keeper on the UK team."

 Alice lowered her fork. "So, that's who I saw you sneaking off with. What's his name?"

 "His name is Oliver Wood, and I didn't sneak off with him, Alice. We went outside the pitch to chat before we had to leave."

 Alice nodded. "Of course. Tommy told me you went to visit a friend you've been writing back and forth with for months."

 Gustav glanced at Tommy, who tried to look anywhere but at his brother.

 "Now, Alice, it sounds Gustav was just spending time with a friend." Magnus Johansson looked at his stepson. "Was that it, Gustav?"

 "Well...yes, I was visiting him," Gustav said, stammering a little. "But I...I could be in love with him."

 Gustav's family had accepted his sexuality a long time ago, so he didn't really mind having to tell them he could be in love with another man.

 "Well, if you're sure, son," Magnus said. "Does this Mr. Wood know you're in love with him?"

 "Well...I didn't tell him. But I kissed him, so that should give him a clue. He wants to see me again sometime, and we're still going to write to each other, of course."

 Birgitta smiled. "Of course. Gustav, if the two of you are in love, then we would love to meet him."

 Gustav nodded. "All right. If I can get him to visit me here, I'll bring him for dinner. You're the only four people I've told, by the way, so don't go blabbing it."

 "Of course not. But are you going to tell your father?" Magnus asked.

 Gustav groaned. "Have you seen him?"

 "Unfortunately, yes. I see him every now and then at the government offices, and he asks after you boys. He complains he doesn't hear from either of you often."

 "Well, he ought to try inviting us to a good Sunday dinner," Tommy pointed out. "It works for you and Mom, so he ought to take a page out of your book."

 "Tommy, please. Let's not talk about Dad right now," Gustav said. "But let's also stop talking about me. What's everyone else been up to?"

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