2: Dorms

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Once the school day was done, RWBY returned to their dorm room. The condition of their beds perfectly reflected the teammates. Ruby's bed had sheets and blankets all over and had one pillow at the head of the bed. Small wrappers of snacks were upon the bed. Weiss' bed however, was neatly made. The blankets and pillow were all perfectly organized and aligned, making the ideal bed. Blake's bed had a special book hidden under her pillow. The blankets and sheet were all layed upon the bed, showing that it was very well kept. Yang's bed, much like her sister's, was a mess. Her pillow was in the corner of the bed and all the blankets were huddled up at the feet of it. Clothes were layed upon the bed ranging from yellow or black bras, matching panties, shirts, and some socks.

The team walked into the dorm and Ruby immediately rushed to her bed, wrapping herself up in several of small blankets. Weiss sighed and sat down on her bed while the other two members layed down on their own beds.

Weiss: You got pretty close this time
Ruby: I don't wanna talk about it!
Yang: C'mon, You need to talk to him

The youngest huntress only shuddered at the thought.

Ruby: But how?
Blake: Work at your own pace.
Weiss: But then she won't make progress
Yang: Yea! I just wanna see my little sis be happy as can be!

Ruby sighed softly and buried her face into her knees. Ruby liked (YN) for a long time now. Ever since her first year at Signal, she noticed his captivating eyes and his smooth hair. She would always remember fondly of the time where she actually had a conversation with (YN)... Well, it wasn't really her and him alone. Yang and (YN) are actually pretty close friends, giving the small rose ample time to see and be with her crush. While Yang and (YN) talked about their favorite games, Ruby would stand next to Yang and peek at (YN) every once and awhile before getting to nervous to say anything to him.

Yang: Ruby?
Ruby: H-Huh? Yes Yang?
Yang: were you thinking about him again?
Ruby:...none of your business..

Yang chuckles as I sat down on Weiss' bed and playfully punched her in the arm.

Yang: Maybe we could all give Rubes here some dating advice!
Weiss: I would; but I never had a boyfriend. Nor do I want one for that matter
Blake: I only ever had one relationship...and it wasn't what one would call 'healthy'

Yang sighed and patted Blake on the back as she continued reading.

Yang: I guess I'm the only one who actually has some dating advice then
Ruby: a-and you hang out with (YN)! You might be able to find out what he likes in a girl!

Yang only chuckled and layed back on Blake as she shrugged.

Yang: even if I did do that, I wouldn't go out of my way to change myself. If anyone's gonna love you, it's gotta be for you

Ruby only gazed at her sister as she used Weiss' hair to make a mustache. 'Would he really like me for me? What if he doesnt? Certainly it wouldn't hurt to get a...a push in the right direction, right?' Weiss, finally seeing what Ruby was doing, flicked her in the nose.

Eventually night time came and the team layed down for their rest. Or at least they should have been. They were all in the mist of a game of Truth or Dare. With Blake being dared to let Weiss touch her faunas ears being the most recent one, it was Yang's turn to take a truth or dare from Weiss. Being as she was, Yang chose dare with a confident smirk.

Weiss: Alright. I dare you to keep your bed clean for the next week
Yang: ah...um..

Yang groaned as she walked into a trap. While she got up to make her bed, she asked Blake to pick between a truth or a dare.

Blake: I want to pick truth
Yang: alright! So what's your book about?

Blake's face grew a dark shade of red as her faunas ears folded down. She turned to Yang with an embressed glare as Yang smirked.

Blake: I-It's..it's about-
Ruby: It's about Katanas and FILTH!

Yang snickered as Blake buried her face into her knees, sighing as she tried to die down her blush. Weiss just rolled her eyes and giggled softly as Yang sat back into the circle.

Blake: Truth or Dare Ruby?
Ruby: Dare! Hiya!!
Blake: I dare you to have a conversation with (YN) tomorrow
Ruby: ACK!

Ruby fell onto her back as she scrambled around. Turning over, she saw her team laughing at their leaders embarrassment while she huffed.

Ruby: I-I can talk to (YN)!..I just g-get embarrassed...
Blake: you don't need to talk to him forever. I'm thinking small steps at a time. Maybe have us with you so you could be more confident
Yang: Yea! He could even sleep over!
Weiss: No!
Ruby: N-Noo!
Yang: Why not?
Weiss: He is a boy! What If He tried to perv on us?

Yang only laughed as she shook her head.

Yang: He wouldn't do that! He knows Id break his leg if he tried anything
Weiss: so you're not denying that he would do it if given the chance?
Yang: He wouldn't! Jess, give him a chance Ice queen. If You're gonna be like that, then you can sleep here while the rest if us watch movies and play games in his Dorm

Weiss groaned and rolled her eyes in annoyance. She may act like a cold hearted girl, but she hated being alone. While Weiss yawned, she checked her scroll for the time and her eyes widened in shock.

Weiss: It's 3...
Ruby: ...
Yang: ...
Blake: ...we should get to bed

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