Chapter 26

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Recap: I could be fixed and I was going to fix myself. Embry's hand caressed my head before he kissed my forehead. "Your parents were dumbasses for abusing someone as beautiful and kind as you." Embry said and I felt happy as Onyx came up. Knowing I had gotten the family and friends I had desperately needed, even if they were vampires.

The time flied pretty fast before the New Years Eve party was here. I was just sitting in class minding my own business with Onyx when Serene came over and reminded me.

"You ready for tonight?" Serene asked as Onyx reluctantly gave me his paw with a grumble. "What's tonight?" I asked. "The New Year's Eve party, aren't you Embry's date?" Serene asked. "Shit. Yeah I am in, I completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me." I told Serene who smiled at me. "No problem, you should meet us at my place. Patience is doing our hair and make-up." Serene said before leaving to go work with the Clydesdale once more. I looked back at Onyx and smiled at him. "Looks like I have a party to go to." I told Onyx with a smile.

"You'll be a good boy for me right?" I asked scratching his chin. I was sure he would be. He didn't have crazy separation anxiety like most wolf hybrids did. I've left him home alone, as long as he wasn't in the dark and had chew toys he was fine. I'd be sure to leave him in a room with light and plenty of chew toys. I might even look into getting him a friend later on when I'm done with his training. I kissed Onyx who returned it. We had bonded well and I enjoyed that very much.

Having my very own dog, and someone to love me unconditionally. He may be a wolf hybrid, but to me he was just a dog. He was my family, he wasn't some exotic animal who cost thousands of dollars. He was Onyx, my dog, and soon to be service dog if I got my way as well. With a smile I continued on Onyx's training before putting him in his crate for the day. Onyx was crate trained as well and when we weren't in class he was in the crate before I went home and took him with me.

Some animals stayed overnight, but Onyx came home with me. I'd be signing his adoption papers here soon as well. Thankfully Onyx was from a no-kill shelter or he would of been put down for being a wolf hybrid. Onyx was just misunderstood, deep inside he was really sweet once you got past his rough exterior from being a rescue and shelter animal. He was a good dog and wasn't vicious at all. Whoever thought he was vicious was an idiot. Onyx was one of the sweetest dogs I had ever met in my life. He just needed a good handler to bring it out.

And I happened to be that lucky handler. I ate lunch with Embry before returning to get Onyx as I got in the car with Embry. "You excited for tonight?" Embry asked as Onyx laid down in the back. "Yeah." I said and Embry smiled at that. I was also a bit nervous but excited as well as Embry drove us to his house and we got our things for the party in the car before we were to the girls house. "You can leave Onyx at the girls house, they'll leave a room open for him to be in." Embry said.

I nodded at that. Soon the girls house pulled into view and Embry pulled into the gravel driveway and we got out. Onyx was quick into the house and into the backyard to do his business after shoving himself through the doggy door which he barely fit through. He really had to push to get through. Serene watched in amusement before going to Seth who kissed her neck. I sat on the couch quietly with Onyx having crawled into my lap. He was laying down having fallen asleep. Victor had disappeared to go study.

"I like this hairstyle." Desiree said pointing at a braid. "Your out of your mind if you think I'm combining that. It's an up do and a down do. And you are complicated." Patience said. "But you love me." Desiree said in a voice that meant a lot more than friendship. She was flirting with Patience. Least she had left me out of this. "No, no I don't." Patience flatly said scooting away from Desiree who glared before following her. It was quite obvious that Desiree didn't take no for an answer and was very persistent which I could admire. . . in certain situations.

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