Chapter 6

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Recap:  "You'll enjoy it there. Maybe one day you'll get the other bedroom." Serene said with a happy smile and I nodded. It couldn't be that bad going there. I might even enjoy it. I smiled just a bit before relaxing my mind going to what would be happening later tonight.

I looked at Embry in his car that was blowing the heat out. Then my eyes shifted back to the road. "Why am I getting scolded on my apartment, when their dorm is out there as well?" I asked Embry. Embry looked over at me.

"One, they all have cars and drive to college. Two, they live together if anyone breaks in, and three, they know this town very well." Embry said. I glanced at him before looking in the back where Onyx was laying down in the seats. His muzzle was on as he didn't know Embry. I didn't even know him that well. Just two days. But he seemed really nice. "Do you live with them?" I decided to ask. "No, Seth, Victor and I have our own three bedroom house." Embry said looking over at me and I nodded.

"I cook everything there. Whatever I learn in class I do at home if you decide you want to eat over one night." Embry said looking over at me. Curiosity got the better of me. "So what kind of things do you cook?" I asked Embry. "Everything, all sorts of dishes. Is there anything specific that you like?" Embry asked looking at me. I bit my lip trying to think of what was my favorite meal. "Lasagna." I decided. Embry smiled. "I can make that." Embry said glancing at me. "Do you like it a specific way?" Embry asked glancing at me.

"No ricotta." Was all I said. Embry nodded. "I'll make it for you one night, no ricotta." Embry said and gave me this seductive smile. Just a tug of the lips before he put his gaze back on the road. In front of him was Serene's silver car. Just some newer model car, that I didn't bother to learn what was. Cars weren't my thing. Never have been, never will be. Embry looked over at me and smiled some before focusing back on the road and hitting the gas once more. Onyx was watching out the window now.

Serene's car slowed down some as she took a right onto a street. Her car slowed a lot before she pulled into a driveway of a two story house. Embry pulled in behind Serene as two more cars pulled in. Embry turned off his car after putting it into the parking mode before he took off his seatbelt and got out. I took mine off just as Embry opened the door for me. He waited for me to get out and then unload Onyx. The moment Onyx was out his nostrils began flaring as he took in the scents of the place.

Behind the house was a tall six foot privacy fence. That was a plus as wolf hybrids tend to need space to run. Which gave them a reason to use my current living situation against me to make me move in with them. It gave them quite the reason as Onyx's living situation was going to be important to him. Embry looked at me as I watched the house while keeping a tight grip on Onyx's leash. "Come on." Embry said before walking forward and I followed him as Onyx walked at my side still sniffing the air.

Serene had unlocked the door and waited for everyone to get in before shutting the door. Onyx looked at me then outside. "The muzzle isn't coming off." I told him and Onyx put his ears back at that as if he was glaring at me. I kept my gaze on him as I knew that he was challenging me trying to see if he was the alpha. And you can't let a wolf hybrid be alpha. They will run all over you after that and will expect you to respect them. It's fine to respect a dog and what they can do, but they can't demand it.

You are supposed to be the one to demand the respect. In the end Onyx looked away all grumpy. Desiree came up and put her things down before disappearing into the kitchen. Embry glanced at me as I shoulder my bags. In response he took them from me and set them down next to all the other bags and put mine right next to his. Onyx looked at me as if expecting me to unclip the leash from his collar and let him roam free in the house. "You can let him go as long as his muzzle is on." Embry said.

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