2 - Jake

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I woke up to my alarm blaring like an emergency alert. I jerked upright and quickly stopped it, taking a moment to let my heart rate fall. I reached over to my bedside table and plucked my vape off. I took a couple of hits, letting the smoke out through my nostrils. I peeled my blankets off of me and padded over to my closet. I looked over the array of dark colors and selected a dark blue button-down and dark jeans. I slipped them on mindlessly and went out to the kitchen.

I grabbed a banana, peeled it, and popped it in my mouth, taking a large bite as I opened the fridge. I pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon and set them on the counter. I finished the banana and grabbed a pan out from the cabinet. As I waited for the pan to heat up, I made my way to the red JBL speaker perched on the breakfast bar. I turned it on and connected it to my phone, allowing it to play whatever was up next on my phone.

'Role Model' by Eminem started playing through the speakers and I turned it up. There was an irony to my liking of the song. His lyrics practically screamed not to look up to him, yet I did. I admired his rise to fame and his battle against the odds. It wasn't something I related to, having grown up in wealth compared to his poor upbringing, but it still connected with me. And I didn't mind the lyrics bashing his father.

'Don't you wanna grow up to be just like me?'

If I could, I would, Marshall.

I turned my attention back to my breakfast, scraping it out of the pan and onto my plate. I scarfed down my food, then wandered into the bathroom to fix my hair.

When I was done, I grabbed my stuff and went down to my car, driving to my dad's beloved business.

My father met my mother after a long string of playboy hookups. He got a head start in middle school, having girlfriends before any of the other boys, and continued well into his 30s. He was always a ladies' man, attracting them with his mysterious, alluring aura. Then, he'd hook them with his charming sense of humor and unique ability to make every girl feel special. It helped that he was gifted in the looks department as well. He stood tall with broad shoulders, a sparkling smile, and a bone structure that belongs on the cover of Sexiest Man Alive. I definitely took after him a little. Sometimes more than I'd like.

My mother was always an enigma to me. Nothing about her made sense in the context of our lives. She was a striking woman, there was no denying that. But she wasn't the type of woman I thought my dad would settle down with. In all honesty, my dad doesn't seem like the type to settle down at all. In my head, I pictured he would only lust after the prize women. Not just beautiful, but famous and adored. The supermodels, actresses, maybe even porn stars. Even then, it seems like he'd only be satisfied with an array of sister wives at his service.

I often tried to imagine it: My mom walking into a restaurant, her long, thin legs barely peeking out of a pencil dress. My father glancing over and noticing her. Blond hair pulled into a high ponytail. Barely any makeup on her face, allowing her soft, blue eyes to steal the show. Then?....

That's as far as I could ever get. Their personalities didn't mesh. He was dominating, obsessed with power and control. He liked intimidation. She was quiet, but not in a submissive way. She was quiet like a wild animal before attacking; There was a dark heaviness with it. They were forever locked into a game of cat and mouse. Him trying to control her. Her not arguing, but shutting him down with a glance.

I never saw them talk. Of course, they technically spoke to each other quite often but it was always transactional. Don't forget I have a meeting today. Did you go to the bank like I asked you to? Lydia has a doctor's appointment today.

There was no love, no affection and it had been like that for as long as I could remember. They were always a hollow shell of a couple. On the surface appearing normal but underneath: nothing.

As far as she and I, she had no room to be a wife and certainly didn't have room to be a mother. I blamed them for how fucked up I was. I was becoming more like them and I hated myself for it.

I snapped back to reality as I got to my Dad's company. I walked through the two front doors, then up to the offices, using my key card to get through.

I sat down at my desk and sighed, not ready to get into working yet. Practically on cue, my phone rang. I already knew who it was and would've sent it to voicemail if I could.

I picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Don't 'yeah' me, Jake. Pull up the new intern's file. She'll be joining us this afternoon. I'll escort her to the office, then after that, she's your responsibility," my father said through the phone.

His whole business was practically my responsibility.

"'kay. That it?" I was pushing his buttons and I knew it.

"No. Drop the attitude." I heard a click and then the dial tone. I slammed the phone back down and sighed.

I pulled up my email and saw an email from my father. I opened it and downloaded the files. When they were ready, I did some investigating.

The intern's name was Evelyn. Communications major. First-year. No relevant experience.

I scoffed, not having high hopes. The last intern was a short, skinny guy in his second year. He was terrible.

I picked the phone up and entered my dad's extension.

"What?" he answered shortly.

"Why the hell did you hire this girl?" I asked.

"Language, Jake," he reprimanded.

I rolled my eyes and waited for him to continue.

"My God, do I have to do everything for you? Her cover letter was good. If you had read it yourself, you would know that. Now don't bother me unless it's important." Click. Dial tone.

I sighed and put the phone down. I dug through her application until I saw her cover letter. I skimmed it and it was good. Not great but good. I pulled up the other applications we received and skimmed through them. They were mostly upperclassmen who had done similar internships. All with cover letters of similar quality.

I groaned and let my head fall against the desk. My dad was doing this intentionally to piss me off.

I heard a soft knock on the door and saw Jim, the office assistant, with a Starbucks cup in his hand.

"Your coffee, sir," he said as he set it on my desk.

"God bless you, Jim," I said, bringing the drink closer to me. I noticed he had another cup in his hand.

"That for my father?" I asked, nodding toward the cup.

"Yes, sir," Jim answered.

"Put two sugars in it, please," I requested.

"But he likes it black, sir," he protested.

"I know. You can tell him it was me," I said firmly.

Jim nodded and made his way to the staff kitchen. I smirked to myself and got back to work until the intern showed up. 

SORRY THIS IS A LITTLE LATE. Life be rough <3. This chapter is shorter than most will be so don't worry. If you're reading this rn I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU AND PLEASE INTERACT WITH THIS AND SHOW IT SOME LOVE. Like, COMMENT (I love reading them. Like LOVEEEEE) and follow me :)

Y'all da best :D

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