Chapter 15

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I walked in the class room and everybody's head turned towards me. These people have a huge problem with staring, like can you not. I looked to my right and I saw Matt speed walking towards me. I turned my body towards him and he practically tackled me in a hug. He had his arms around my neck, and I had my arms around his waist. He were hugging for probably a minute when he let go and grabbed my shoulders. He observed me from top to bottom.

"What happened yesterday? Where did you go? What happened with Sam? Did he hurt you in any way? Did he touch you? Why are you crying? Was it Sam?" Matt curiously asked.

"Um, Sam wanted to talk, we walked around the outside of school, we made up, but now we aren't okay anymore, no he didn't hurt me, no he didn't touch me, and I'm not crying," I answered his questions. Matt looked at me in disbelieve, and then hugged me again, and I hugged back. Then the bell rang.

"Come on, go to your seats," the teacher said pushing Matt and I to our seats.

I hate this teacher

Once the teacher started talking, I zoned out. I rested my elbow on the table, and rested my head on that hand, my other hand was resting on my thigh. Whenever I put my hand on my thigh, it's in hope that someone will hold my hand.

In the middle of class, I felt someone's hand on the back of mine. I looked down and saw matts hand on top of mine. I moved my hand a little so that his fingers were in between mine, and then he intertwined his fingers with mine from the back of my hand. He's doing a better job then Sam, and Sam "knows me". Matt then started rubbing circles with his thumb. I smiled and looked at matts hand on mine. I think I might have feelings for Matt. I know I just met him yesterday, but if I like him, then I like him. I think that if you like someone, how long you've known that person is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. If you like someone than you like someone.

But what about Sam?

He can suck my ass. He's a player, asshole, douche bag faggot. And his friends are stupid if they think that I'm going to sit with them at lunch.

But he's hot tho.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. Matt let go of my hand and stood up. He pushed his chair in and stuck his hand out. I gladly grabbed his hand and stood up. I locked my fingers in between his and walked with him towards our second period.

---------------- 1 week later ---------------

Nothing has happened between Matt and I. We just hold hands and act all coupley. We haven't kissed yet, and he hasn't made his move yet. I haven't seen, or heard from Sam in over a week. He hasn't been in school since our little argument.

My furniture came in about a week ago. I also got my surfboards and paddle board, which is pretty convenient considering the beach is literally the backyard.

So instead of doing nothing today, I'll go surfing. The tide is coming in, and the surf looks good to go out on the board.

-guys, in the middle of writing this chapter, I realized that there are no beaches in omaha. so let's pretend that there's a city called omaha with a school called westside in California. I'm so sorry-

I got my teal scalloped halter bikini top from Victoria's Secret with matching bottoms and quickly put it on (sorry that it sounds awkward, I just wrote it like that so that just incase you didn't know what it was and wanted to google it, that's how you would google it to find the tops that I'm talking about).

I grabbed an oversized nirvana shirt and slipped it over my bathing suit. I then got my phone and walked down stairs to the garage, where my surfboards are. I grabbed my pink natural art surfboard and put on top of my head. I walked with two hands holding the board balancing it on my head. When I got to the garage, I balanced the board with one hand, and with the other hand I pushed the button to open the back exit door. This garage had two garage doors to it, if that makes sense. There's one in the front, where you pull in with the car. Then there was the other garage door that's on the opposite side of that door that's facing the beach.

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