Chapter 14

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Me and Sam both got in our individual cars and drove opposite ways. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth of my car and played The Neighbourhood. I'm a huge hoodlum. After about 15 minutes I got home. I would've been home quicker, but Im still getting accustomed to driving around in a new city.

Sams pov (;

There are so many things that "Tara" doesn't know, and doesn't need to know.

For example, she's involved in a huge drug dealing business, but she doesn't know that. She also doesn't know that we are somewhat cousins. Her father and my father are brothers, or were brothers. Our father disowned heathers father. So that means that she's actually cousins with Matt, cam, and jack gilinsky to. The boys know, but she doesn't. There are SO many things that she doesn't know. But I don't plan on telling her anytime soon. There's more to our current "relationship". There's so much that's happened to her that she doesn't remember. There's also another relationship that I don't want her to remember. When we were little- me, heather, jack, Matt, and cam- her and Matt fancied each other. Matt remembers, but she doesn't. I really hope Matt doesn't tell her, because she's mine right now, and it's not like she'll believe him if he just says that they used to be childhood lovers, if that makes sense. He'd have to tell her the entire story about everything, but I'm going to be the one to tell her. Well, either me or cameron. Cameron is the oldest, and the wisest, out of all of the cousins. He's the one that's in charge of all of the drug deals. After all of our fathers were killed, or disowned by the family in heathers case, cameron became the leader.

So enough about our family. I have to stop thinking about her. She wants to take us slow, but she's so irresistible. I stayed 13 years without her, I can't stay away from her. She has no idea what she does to me. Even though she just met me today, I've technically known her her whole life. She just doesn't remember the "her whole life part". I also kind of maybe have forgotten to tell her that I kind of maybe have a girlfriend.

I can't possibly see her everyday and not make out with her. I've waited 13 years to see her again, and now that I have her again, I'm not going to control myself around her, so that's why I'm gong to loose all contact with her for as long as I can. It's probably not going to be long, but I truly can not, and will not control myself around her. And she wants to take things slow, so can't do anything with out getting her mad. AND I have a girlfriend, sort of. We've been going on and off, and we're on right now, but we don't act like a couple, we just make out and have sex.

(Sorry if Sams pov was stupid and confusing)

-the next day-

Heathers pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm again. I get up out of bed and put my hair in a bun, i then walked over to the bathroom. I use the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, then walk back to my room to get dressed for school. I put on a black skater skirt with a crop (when I say crop I mean just above the belly button) maroon long sleeve shirt and black wedges. I pulled the skirt up a little so that it was underneath the shirt. I didn't do anything to my hair, I just let it down. It was naturally wavy. And for makeup I just put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara.

I walked down stairs and saw a note from Karen sitting on the counter.

Sorry honey, I won't be joining you for breakfast. I'm going to be at work all day today, I'll be back later tonight. Your lunch is in the fridge. Have a nice day at school -Karen

I opened the fridge and looked through it to see if there was anything good for breakfast. I just got a yogurt and quickly ate it. Once I was done, I put the spoon in the sink and the yogurt container in the garbage. I was about to walk out the door until I realized that I forgot everything. I ran back into the living room and grabbed my backpack with my keys and phone inside of it, then the kitchen to get my lunch.

-at school-

Before I got out of the car, I got a piece of gum out of my backpack and put it in my mouth.

I got out of the car and started walking towards the school. Everybody was watching me, again.

I enter the school and walk to my locker, where I see Sam standing there, with his back facing me.

"Hey," I said to him, trying to get to my locker.

"Hi. Can we talk? Like, now?" He asks me. I looked down at my phone to check the time and see how much time there is until class starts. We have fifteen minutes.

"Sure," I reply.

"We can't take us slow. We can even take us anywhere. We have to stop us. We can't be friends with benefits, we can't even be friends. At all," Sam said. He said it like whatever happened between us never happened, like he wasn't the one that was all pissy when I wanted to take us slow. God, I should've stuck with my first impression of him, because that exactly how he's acting; like a sarcastic asshole who thinks girls are toys.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asked, breaking me out of my thought. I just looked at him in the eyes and tilted my head in confusion.

"Why?" I blankly asked.

"Why what?" He's playing dumb. I know he is.

"You know exactly why what. You were the one that was acting all pissy when I wanted to take it slower,"

"My girlfriend doesn't like me hanging around other women, and that's exactly what you are, another woman-"

"Excuse me. First of all, I had no fucking idea you had a girlfriend, and I wouldn't even have had a fucking clue with the way you were acting yesterday. And with everything that happened yesterday, I can't believe you have the audacity to call me another fucking woman. You asshole," I whispered the last part because I was already tearing up. I didn't break eye contact once with him the entire time I went off on him. I'm just so shocked that he had the balls to call a girl "another woman". He probably has a big dick to go along with those balls. But what he said was still disrespectful, the size of his dick is irrelevant at the moment.

"Are.. Are you crying?" Sam whispered. He reached his hand out and tried to touch my face.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me. Get away from me," I snapped at him. I walked passed him, making sure that I bumped him with my shoulder.

I walked to the closest bathroom to check my makeup. I leaned over the sink and looked in the mirror. I wiped the makeup that was underneath my eyes and touched up my hair.

Once I was done, I stepped away from the mirror and started walking towards the hallway again. As I stepped out into the hallway, someone bumped in to me. The person who bumped into me grabbed onto both of my shoulders.

"Hey lil mama," said an overly excited guy. It was Sams friend, gilinsky. He had a big (sexy) smile on his face, showing off those gorgeous, perfect, white teeth of his. What the fuck am I thinking? He's friends with Sam, I can't fancy him. He leaned his face in and looked into my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me. His eyes were still focused on mine, and his hands were still squeezing my shoulders.

"No. I ament?" I lied. It came out more like a question.

"Liar, I know when you're lying," he quickly spat back.

"God, you're just like Sam," I said back to him. I pushed his arms away and started walking to my first hour.

"Where are you going?" He asked, running up to me. He's like a little puppy, adorable, and annoying.

"I'm going to my first period, where are you going?"

"Your teacher is going to wonder why you're crying,"

"I'm not crying, dammit!" I somewhat yelled back.

"Ok, whatever you say," He said, putting his hands up in defeat.

"I'm going to class, bye," I said, walking into my classroom. But before I could walk through the door, jack grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"Me and my friend jack, we have to sit with you and your friends for lunch, okay," at the same time he was saying that, he was wiping tears from underneath my eyes "that's how I know you were crying," he somewhat whispered. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away.

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