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"jack. get the fuck away from her," sam yelled, running over and pushing jack off of me. sam wrapped his arms around my head, and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"chill," jack pointed his finger at sam and tried to maintain his balance "the fuck out," jack wobbled around, but finally kept himself stable by holding onto the wall.
"I was the one who took care of her while you were bitching around. mm, probably fucking other girls. you can't just leave for months without warning, and come back expecting everything to be fine," jack said in a serious tone in between hiccups and stutters "don't lie to her with that 'I couldn't handle seeing you' bullshit because," jack spread his arms out and slowly spun in a circle "we all know that you left because you're a coward who can't handle his feelings. 'oh my god. I'm starting to actually get feeling for a girl. why don't I just run away and fuck all of these girls to make my feelings go away'. you- you can't fucking do that man," jack seemed to be sobering up a little because he wasn't hiccuping after every syllable, and he was somewhat regaining his balance.
"jack. that's enough, you're drunk," I said while squirming out of sams grip taking a step towards jack. before I took another step closer, he fell over, but i quickly grabbed him before he could meet the floor. I held onto his lower arm with one hand, and his bicep with the other hand.
"thanks sam. I love you bro," jack said and tightly hugged me, and rested his head on top of mine.
after a few minutes, I heard him start snoring.
"sam, can you please help me take him to my car," I tried to look at sam, but he was standing behind me, and I couldn't exactly turn around.
"why would I put him in your car?" sam concernly asked.
"because he's drunk and I want to make sure he gets home safe," I said in a somewhat annoyed tone.
"why would you want him to get home safe? do you have feelings for him or something?" sam questioned.
"god dammit sammy. he's your friend. you want him to get into a car crash and die? of course I don't have feelings for-" I was cut off by sam walking away from me and jack. I scoffed at how horrible he was acting. he chose to be jealous at the wrong time.
"mack!" I waved him over with the hand that I wasn't holding jack with " can you please please help me get jack into my car?" I asked when he walked up to me.
"of course," mack happily said. he set his drink down on the floor and threw jack over his shoulders. I watched as he walked away with jack, but then ran after them when I realized jack was going into my car.
I unlocked my car and mack gently layed jack down in the backseat of my car.
"thank you so much," I hugged him.
"are you coming back?" he asked.
"probably. I'm sams designated driver, and I can't exactly just leave him here, so I'll have to come back to pick him up," i huffed.
"oh alright. I'll see you then I guess," he hugged me again.
"thanks again mack," I said as I walked to the towards the drivers side. he waved at me and started walking back towards the house.
now how was I going to get out? I was parallel parked and there were two cars in front and behind me.
I turned the car on and started backing up, and then turning the car as I moved forward. I repeated this process for about five minutes until I finally got the car shimmied out of the spot.
I was about to drive down the road when I saw sam run out of the door and towards my car. I locked my doors and rolled down the passenger side window.
"what do you want?" I asked as he approached the car.
"to go home," he rested one hand on the top of the car, and another hanging inside the open window.
"are you done being a bitch?" I asked.
"ha ha! she called you a bitch!" jack sat up and pointed at sam, but then layed back down.
sam let out a huff of air and then looked me in the eyes, and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"yes," sam said in the same tone as a 10 year old who was being bombarded by questions from his mom.
"okay then," I unlocked the doors and he climbed into the passenger seat.
"come on," he said after a few seconds of me just glaring at him.
"do you have your seat belt on?" I looked at the seat belt, and then back into his eyes.
he let out a breath and finally put his seatbelt on, and mumbled something under his breath.
"what was that?" I said as I started driving down the road.
"you talk to me as if you're my mom," he said in an annoyed tone.
"well, I'm sorry that I care about you," I said, while keeping my eyes on the road.
"I know that baby. I'm sorry," Sam grabbed my right hand and placed kisses on every single on of my knuckles.
we eventually got to jacks house, and jack into his bed.
sam and I stood there out of breath, starting at jack as if we were his parents.
"oh wait! I forgot something!" I ran down the stairs and got him a cup of water and some advil for when he woke up. and a bucket and a towel, just incase he throws up during the night.
I ran back up to his room and situated everything by his bed, and walked back to sam who was still standing by jacks bed.
"you're going to be such a good mom someday," sam said while slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"thank you baby," I rested my head on his chest "now go say sorry to your friend and give him a goodnight kiss," I said in a demanding tone and pointed to jack.
sam removed his arm from around be and squatted by jack. he whispered some things to jack and then looked back over to me as if saying "there, are you happy now?" but I gave him the look, and he leaned over and gave jack a peck on the cheek.
"now turn his lamp off. please," sam turned the lamp off and walked back to me.
"goodnight jack," I whispered while walking out of his room, and closing the door behind me.
as we were walking, sam rested his hand on my butt.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
god dammit, was i in love with this boy.

numinous  {sam wilkinson}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن