Chapter 58: The Resting World

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Hato's P.O.V.

I stood at the edge of the balcony of our apartment and looked up at the night sky. The stars danced across the sky, not a cloud covering them. My sad eyes just reflected them, my mind trying to focus on other things. We had just gotten to this world this morning, which gave us plenty of time to get everything together.

Haruhi had bought a really nice apartment that could house the 5 of us, and Chelsea, Ymir, Historia, and I had gone out to buy a bunch of things for ourselves and the apartment.

My white hair flew softly in the wind as my eyes looked back down to my hands. I was holding the symbols Levi had given me. My mind had wondered around the memories I had with them, which only made me sadder.

"Hey, you alright?" I heard someone say.

I looked up and turned my head to the side to see Ymir standing there in a tan shirt and blue jeans.

"Yeah," I replied while looking back at the symbols," I'm fine."

"Sure doesn't look like it," Ymir said," You didn't even come in for dinner, which is rare when it comes to you."

I just laughed it off and placed the symbols in the pocket of my black sweater. My eyes then looked down at the city under us.

"I'm just a little sad, that's all," I said.

"Sure," said Ymir," But why be sad now? I'm sure I can guess why you are sad, but how come you weren't sad before?"

I just sighed and continued to look down, not answering Ymir's question.

"Let me guess," said Ymir," You just realized that you had feelings for Armin right after Petra pushed you into that kiss."

I could feel my cheeks grow red as I looked up at Ymir, obviously annoyed.

"It wasn't a kiss!" I almost yelled.

"Keep telling yourself that," said Ymir," Anyways, you're good with geography. Can you tell me where we are on the world map?"

"We're in Ikebukuro," I explained," I'm pretty sure that's in Tokyo, but that's not 100%."

"And where's Tokyo?" Ymir asked.

"Japan," I replied.

"Okay then," Ymir said while looking down at the city while the faint sound of someone yelling Izaya could be heard under us.

We stayed quiet for a little longer, allowing me to just look out at the streets under us. I swear I saw a vending machine being thrown at someone, but I decided to ignore it. The wind started picking up a little, pushing my red and pink skirt while it past us.

"Haruhi mentioned that this was a resting dimension," Ymir said after a while," What does that mean?"

"I think she was saying that to me," I replied," Since you, Historia, and Chelsea are staying here to learn Japanese and what every 15 years old should know. But what she meant by resting dimension is that this is where I'll go whenever I've left a dimension to rest."

"So basically how it sounds?"

I nodded my head while looking over at her.

"Do you even know what dimension you'll go to next?" Ymir asked.

I shook my head.

"No, Haruhi won't tell me anything about it," I said," Other than the fact that I'll be training there whenever I have time."

"I see," said Ymir," Keeping your power level up as much as possible, I'm guessing. Seems like a wise idea. That brat is extremely powerful, and probably won't let you go as easily as he did before."

I nodded my head before something popped into my mind.

"Is Chelsea going to school here?" I asked.

"I think so," said Ymir.

"Welp, better warn her about flying objects," I said," Actually, that's probably a good warning for all of you. Watch out for flying objects like vending machines!"

"You don't have to tell me after what happened this morning," Ymir said.

I nodded my head and laughed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I said.

This morning, while the four of us were on our way to some of the shops here in Ikebukuro, we ran into this man named Izaya. He introduced himself as a third year at the high school here and he honestly didn't startle us. What startled us was the flying vending machine that nearly hit him and us. Then Izaya ran away while getting chased by a blonde guy who looked like a bartender.

"Seriously, how much strength does that guy have to be able to lift up stuff like that?" Ymir asked.

"Who knows," I said while smiling a little," Be careful when I leave, got that?"

"You don't have to tell me twice," Ymir said with a smile on her face.

"Hello you two!" said a male voice behind us.

I turned around to see the same guy from earlier standing behind us.

"Hello Izaya," I said," What are you doing here?"

The black haired male just walked up to the two of us with a smile on his face. Ymir turned around to look at him, her face covered with confusion.

"I just wanted to learn who my friend's new neighbor was," he replied innocently," But I didn't think it was the girls from earlier who were foreigners."

"Liar," I said, causing his interest to perk up," You came here knowing we lived here."

Izaya pouted a little bit, but his interest came back immediately.

"And how do you know that?" he asked.

"Your personality," I replied bluntly," Someone like you wouldn't meet someone new in town because their friend is their neighbor. You would do it for information."

Izaya's interest kept growing as he started to study me. I just looked back at him, annoyed that he was as close as he was before he pulled back and smiled.

"You're an interesting person, Hato," Izaya said," I'm excited to know more about you!"

"I'm sure you say that to everyone," I said.

Izaya continued to smirk. He then pulled a card out of his pocket and gave it to me.

"Here's my business card," he said," Call me anytime you have useful info or just want some info."

"Uh, thanks," I said while putting it in my sweater pocket.

"Hey, Ymir! Hato!" we heard Historia yell.

The three of us looked over at the door to the balcony to see Historia standing there in a yellow dress smiling.

"We have guests!" she beamed before seeing Izaya," Oh, sorry. I didn't know you guys were already talking to one of them."

"It's fine," I said," Come on Ymir. Let's go inside!"

Ymir nodded her head as she followed me inside, Izaya following not too far behind. A small smile was on my face as thoughts raced through my head. I was excited about the next dimension, and I could not wait to see what it brought me.


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