Chapter 30: Childhood friends

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"Don't move," said the soldier.

Charity sighed in annoyance.

"Do you really think I CAN?"

The soldier sighed.

"I was just trying to sound cool," she pouted.

"WELL, it didn't work."

The soldier sighed, put her blades away and walked up to Charity.

"How about we make a deal," said the soldier," You come with me, and I'll get you out of the rubble."

Charity sighed.

"Do I really have a choice?"

"NOPE!" the soldier chirped.

Charity sighed again.

"Fine," she said.


The soldier started picking up pieces of the rubble and putting them somewhere else until they were completely off of Charity. The soldier then gave Charity a warm smile as Charity stood up.

"Now, FOLLOW ME!" yelled the soldier.

The soldier start walking out of the now destroyed area with Charity following. After a while, the got to a small opening. There, the other soldiers were standing in front of Levi, Isabel, and Farlan. Farlan, Isabel, and Levi were on there knees with there hands behind there backs and a solemn look on their faces (Sorry for the rushed paragraph). When Farlan saw Charity, his eyes widened.

"Charity," he said.

Levi and Isabel looked over when he said that, so did the other soldiers. One of the soldiers, aka Erwin, walked over to Charity and the soldier.

"Thank you for retrieving her, cadet," he said seriously.

"No problemo," said the soldier.

'Why does she remind me of Lily?' I thought.

"Bring the girl next to the others and put handcuffs on her."

Before Erwin or the other soldier could do anything, Charity walked over to Farlan and kneeled right next to him. Erwin looked at her surprised. The soldier started squealing at this.

"She's soooooooo CUTE!"

One of the soldiers then slapped her in the back of the head.

"Would you stop that," a random soldier said.

The soldier started whining, but Erwin just ignored them. He walked up to Charity and kneeled in front of her.

"Do you mind telling me who you are?" he asked.

Charity nodded her head.

"My name is Charity Church," she replied.

"Well Charity, where did you learn to use the maneuver gear?"

"Levi," she replied bluntly.

Isabel gasped.

"Snitch," she whispered.

Erwin walked over to Levi and started talking to him. Charity and I, of course, ignored them the entire time. After a while, Erwin looked over at Charity and realized that she was listening.

"HEY," yelled one of the soldiers.

Charity nearly jumped at this.

"Why aren't you listening? They were talking about something really important."

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