Chapter 22: Test 2: Hand-to-hand combat

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Why this image you may ask. Because I find it funny and why not.

As we got to a huge, non grassy clearing, I noticed that there were a few more people around. There was Connie and Sasha, who were goofing around with a wooden knife, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Ymir, Historia and another random soldier. When everyone, except for Connie and Sasha, noticed us, the stood up straight and saluted. We walked over to them and looked over at Connie and Sasha. The didn't seem to notice us at all.

"Is this normal?" I asked.

"Pretty much," said Jean.

Levi sighed in annoyance and walked over to them. They still didn't notice him even though he was a few feet away. He let out a 'cough' that caught Sasha and Connie's attention like a crowd reacting to the news of a bomb about to be dropped on them. They saluted as Levi sighed and walked away. Erwin turned to the random soldier and told him to keep an eye on how I was doing on this test. Then he would tell him the results later. After Erwin left with Levi, the soldier told us to pair up. He also told Armin to stay on the side lines so that the amount of people were even. I ended up getting paired with Mikasa (Save me).

"Alright, I will stop the fight when I feel like it can't go much further," said the soldier.

'Very reassuring,' I thought.

"I'll be keeping an eye on how well you are at hand-to-hand combat. Ready?" he said to me.

"Uh, I guess," I said.

"Begin," he said.

I looked over at Mikasa, who was in her fighting stance, and sighed.

"Quick question. How good are you at this?" I asked her.

"She's at the top of our class," Ymir yelled over at me.

'Well, I'm dead,' I thought.

Mikasa suddenly ran forward and threw a punch at my stomach. I couldn't think of anything to do to dodge it, so I blocked it with my arms. She hit my arms, but then her hand grabbed it and she threw me above her. I flew to the other side of her and nearly fell on my face, but for some reason a weird instinct took over and I landed on my hands. I was now in a hand stand and didn't fall. Mikasa threw a kick at me but I bent my legs behind and into a bridge. I then stood back up and looked at Mikasa. She didn't seem as surprised as I was from what I did.

Mikasa then threw another kick at me. This time, I grabbed her foot and twisted it around with strength I didn't know I had. Mikasa fell of of her other leg and onto the ground. Before she hit the ground, she put her hands under her and flung her other leg at me. I ducked and kicked her arms, causing her to fall on her back. When she did, we heard the soldier yell stop. Everyone looked at us to see why the soldier yelled stop.

"This match is over," he said," Partner up with someone else."

This time, I ended up fighting Jean. As soon as the soldier said begin, Jean smirked.

"This shorty doesn't seem like much," he said just loud enough for me and a few other people to hear.

Of course, in a few seconds he was on the ground holding his stomach after I kicked him. He seemed like he was in a lot of pain.

"I'll warn you right now, making someone angry can cause them to become a little more powerful then before," I said.

I heard laughing coming from behind me. I turned my head to see Eren and Ymir laughing like crazy. Ymir because of this little scene and the fact that he called me short and I don't know why Eren was laughing. I looked at him a little confused until he said something between breaths. Something about beating horse face after just 5 seconds. Anyways, after we switched partners a few more times, the soldier called it off for the rest of the day. He then told me to go to the classroom where the new scouts usually learn where they are going to be during a mission outside the walls. I started walking to HQ, when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Sasha, Ymir, and Historia running towards me.

"Hey guys," I said.

"You did amazing out there!" said Sasha," Where did you learn to fight?"

"Oh um, I've actually never learned to fight before."

The girls looked at me like they had just seen a ghost, well, except for Ymir.

"Really? Your match with Mikasa says other wise," said Ymir.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you looked like you've done this millions of times before," said Historia.

"I did?"

Historia nodded her head. I then felt someone pull my hat off. I looked at Ymir, who was looking at me with my hat in her hand.

"Come on. At least tell us where you learned to do that landing," she said while spinning my hat on her finger.

I sighed.

"I blame my roommate," I said.

Ymir looked at me confused.

"She's really good with things like that. She, at times, would try to get me and my other roommate to try some things that were in her skill set," I explained.

"That would explain some things," said Ymir.

I nodded my head and grabbed my hat from Ymir. I then put it back on and started walking towards HQ again.

"I'll see you guys later," I said.

I then ran towards HQ, but suddenly I felt someone looking over at me. I looked around, but saw no one. I then looked back HQ and noticed someone looking at me threw one of the windows. I couldn't catch who it was. All I could see was a sympathetic look from usually cold grey eyes.

Hello my lovely readers! It's Author~chan again. I'm just here to say thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. Thanks again for reading and I'll see you all later.

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