Chapter 23: Test 3: My knowledge of Titans and the outside world

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 I walked through the halls and past by a lot of soldiers. Some of them gave me weird looks and others just ignored me. But very few of them gave me a welcoming smile and said hello. I said hello back and continued walking to my destination. When I finally got to the room, I saw an excited Hanji talking to Levi and Erwin. There was also the other soldier that was keeping an eye on me during the hand-to-hand combat. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I just walked in and sat down at one of the desks. Erwin then, finally, noticed me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Hello cadet. How was the hand-to-hand combat test?" he asked.

Everyone finally noticed that I was there and looked at me.

"A little tiring," I said.

He nodded his head and then looked at the random soldier again.

"Thanks for the report. You are dismissed."

"Yes sir," said the soldier while saluting.

He then left the room. Erwin then looked back at me. Hanji and Levi did the same.

"So Hato, do you think that you did well on that test?" asked Hanji.

"I don't know," I replied.

Levi looked at the papers that the soldier had brought in and sighed.

"Stop being modest," Levi said coldly.

I looked at him confused. Erwin sighed and looked at me seriously.

"You were able to beat one of our best soldiers easily," Erwin explained.

I looked at him surprised.

"Mikasa is one of the best?"

"She's worth 1000 soldiers," said Hanji.

"Oh," I said with a scared look on my face," I'm dead, aren't I?"

Hanji laughed a little.

"Probably not. You're not a threat to Eren, not to mention your their childhoo...."

Hanji was then slapped in the head by a random book that Levi had in his hand. He seemed really angry for some reason. Hanji started rubbing her head.

"Ok fine," she said.

I looked at her confused.

'They didn't even have a conversation, so why did Hanji say that? Is there something I don't know? Probably,' I thought.

"Anyways," Hanji said," Levi, Erwin, can you guys leave the room?"

They nodded their heads and left the room, leaving me and Hanji alone. Hanji then looked at me and smiled a, surprisingly, normal smile.

"So Hato, do you mind if you tell me what you know about titans?" asked Hanji.

"Uh, sure," I said," Titans are giant, humanoid creatures that nearly made humanity become extinct. They eat humans, not for survival reasons, but for the pleasure of it. They also resemble people who have been 'Dead' basically meaning that they are probably those people who have been 'Dead'. They also act on instinct and aren't that smart, but can learn like a human being. Their body temperature is really high and they're entire body is light if you cut the nape off. I think there's more, but for now that is all I can really recall."

I looked at Hanji, whose mouth was wide open. When she finally got over the shock, she regained her posture and smiled.

"Well, it seems like I don't have to teach you anything then. Since we've finished earlier then expected, do you mind telling me more about the outside world?"

"Uh, sure," I said while pulling out my phone.

When I turned it on, I sighed with annoyance. Hanji looked at me confused.

"You know how I have two roommates and one of them is a singer?"

Hanji nodded her head.

"Well, the other one likes to do something we call hacking. It basically means she's able to get into other people's devices like this that is locked and has high security. They usually cause problems for the person who owns the device. In my case, my roommate changed all of the pictures on my phone into freaking Nightmare Freddy," I explained.

I showed Hanji the millions of Nightmare Freddy's that were on my phone. She seemed a little creeped out at first, but then she laughed.

"Your roommate seems to like to mess with you," she said.

"Trust me, this isn't even the worst," I said.

I turned my phone off and walked to the chalk board in the front. I then drew a map of the world and looked at Hanji.

"This is the world map. This," I said while scribbling in the areas that were ocean," is all water. It's called the ocean and it covers 3/4 of the earth's surface."

I then circled where Germany was on the map.

"This is where we are. It's the country of Germany. This," I said while circling the United States," Is the United States of America. It's also my home."

"Wow, America must be cool," said Hanji.

"Well, it is the most free country in the world. We have so much freedom and opportunity that you could be the poorest person in the whole country and own the richest company."

"Wow," Hanji said again," What's the government like?"

"Well (I'm not going to explain politics here. Just imagine her talking about the government. Ok? Ok)."

"That seems like an amazing place," said Hanji.

"It is, but there is still things like hunger and judging there. In fact, we had this huge war about two hundred years ago because half of the country wanted slavery and the other half didn't. And even after the war, people still hated those with darker skin that were once slaves."

"That seems so cruel. To judge others by skin color, that just seems wrong," said Hanji.

"It is, but if we were to but those with different skin color or are a different race here, people would probably judge them too."

"Like Mikasa," said Hanji," People kidnapped her when she was little because she was Asian."

"You mean her ancestors are from this place?" I said while circling Asia.

"Wait, Asia is that big?"

"Yes. I honestly wouldn't doubt that there are still a lot of people left in Asia. Also, what year is it?" I asked.


"Just from the year, I can tell that nobody in Asia should even know about these two continents or the many islands in the ocean. An island is a small body of land in the middle of a body of water."

"Wow, the outside world is so amazing."

"I could probably pull up the history of every country on my phone, if you would like," I offered.

Hanji nodded her head rapidly. So for the rest of the day, I was telling Hanji about the outside world and about my home.

Wow, two chapters in one day. I must have a lot of free time. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and there are probably going to be a lot more tomorrow, because, well, it's a free day for me. Bye!

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