Chapter 24: A new friend

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 After a long time of talking to Hanji, we noticed that it was time almost time for, what I call, dinner. Hanji said that she would talk to me about this tomorrow and that she wanted to study my phone, so I gave her my phone and headed to the mess hall. Yes, I call it the mess hall now. It's easier to spell. Anyways, when I got to the mess hall, I noticed that there weren't that many people there. As I walked over to get my food, I noticed that one of the soldiers looked familiar.

'Isn't that the soldier that found and returned my hat when I was done with the first test?' I thought.

When I got my food, I walked over to an empty table and started eating. I took a quick glance around to see if there was anyone I knew there and saw a girl with long, thick, black hair in braids and purple eyes walking over to me. Her braids were held up with purple bows and she had on a purple head band. She also had red glasses. She had a soft look in her eyes that was very welcoming.

"Hey, you're that new soldier right? My name's Chelsea. What about you?" she asked with a friendly smile.

"I'm Hato," I said while swallowing the loaf of bread.

"Nice to meet you," she said.

"Nice to meet you too," I said.

She smiled a wider grin and looked over to the other soldier. I think his name was Anthony. Anyways, she looked over at Anthony then back at me.

"Over there is my friend Anthony. We've been friends since we were very young," she said.

"That's cool," I said.

She then went over to Anthony and dragged him over to where I was. He was very reluctant at first, but she wouldn't let him not come so he gave in. Chelsea sat down in front of me and forced Anthony to sit next to her.

"Come on Anthony, say hi," she said.

He looked down.

"Hi," he said shyly.

Chelsea pouted and looked over at me.

"Sorry about him. He's not very social."

"I can tell," I said.

I continued eating my food and listening to Chelsea talk until I heard the doors open. The three of us looked at the door to see Jean walking into the room. He didn't seem to notice me until he was next to my table. When he saw me, he immediately stopped walking. He then walked up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"You were lucky shorty. Next time, you're dead."

I stepped on his foot really hard when he called me short. He looked at me a little angry. I could see that he had felt a lot of pain because he was cringing a little.

"Don't call me short again. Got that Horse Face?"

He looked at me even more angrily.

"Where did you get that nickname from?" he yelled.

"I heard Eren say it when I kicked you in the stomach."

He turned around and walked to the door.

"When I get my hands on that Suicidal Blockhead," I heard him say before leaving the room.

I giggled before looking at Anthony and Chelsea. Chelsea was laughing a little and Anthony was looking at me surprised.

"How do you know that guy?" he asked quietly.

"Him? I met him during the last mission," I said.

"Wow," said Chelsea, who was now calmed down a little.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Anthony never talks to anyone but Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, Squad leader Hanji, and myself. I usually have to talk for him if it's anyone else."

Anthony was now looking at the floor in embarrassment. I was looking at him surprised until I felt someone slap my back. I looked behind me to see Ymir smirking at me. Historia was standing behind her with her normal, gentle smiled.

"Ow," I said.

"Well you're here early. Did Hanji let you out before the rest of us or what?"

"Uh, Hanji let me out earlier then you guys, I guess," I replied.

"You know, we just saw Jean walking out of here with a very angry expression," said Historia.

"What did you do to that Horse Face?" asked Ymir.

"He called me short. I think you could put the rest together," I said.

Ymir laughed while I finished eating. I put the tray away and walked over to Chelsea and Anthony. Chelsea was laughing and Anthony was just looking down at the floor.

"Hey Chelsea," I said.

Chelsea stopped laughing and looked at me.

"What is it Hato?" she asked.

"Do you want to hang out when we have a free day?" I asked.

"Sure," she said with a bright smile.

I smiled back at her. I then started walking out the door. Before I left the room, I turned around and looked at Chelsea and Anthony.

"It was nice meeting you two," I said.

"Hold on, where are you going?! We just got here," yelled Ymir.

"I had a long day and I didn't have any food this morning. See you later," I said.

I walked into the hallways and looked around. More soldiers were coming over to the mess hall. I walked past the soldiers, trying to get back to my dorm room. Suddenly, I felt someone bump into me. I was pushed back a little and almost fell, again. I looked over to see who had bumped into me and saw Mikasa, Eren, and Armin.

"Uh, sorry about that," said Armin.

"It's fine," I said.

Armin, for some reason, was looking down. I looked over at Mikasa and Eren. Eren didn't seem to care about what happened. Mikasa was right next to Armin. She was looking at me with a softer look then earlier.

"Come on you guys," said Eren.

Mikasa was about to follow him, but she turned and looked at me instead.

"About earlier," she said," That was very impressive."

"Uh, thanks," I said.

Mikasa turned around and followed Eren. Armin followed with a quick goodbye. I sighed and continued walking back to the dorms. Suddenly, I realized something.

'Was that a hint of pink on Armin's cheeks?' I thought.

Wow, three chapters in one day. I must be feeling generous, or I'm just bored. See you lovely readers later and have a great day. Actually, have a great life. Here's a quote for you guys, because, you know, I'm feeling generous.

"All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be. Sincerely Me."- Dear Even Hanson "Sincerely Me". 

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