"I know. It only lasted for a few hours. Whatever it was. But... That's what scares me. That even if it was for a second, how he didn't want me at that point. Just for a second he didn't love me, he gave his body and maybe his feelings, even if they were negative--" Taehyung choked back his tears and Jungkook held his hand.

"I am not just angry about him sleeping with someone else but he forgot about me for some time... Just for that time, he wasn't mine, he didn't want me. And that makes me feel like maybe I wasn't enough because.. Those minutes would turn into hours, days, months and then... He wouldn't want me. He wouldn't want to be my Hobi, he'd be someone's Hoseok. " Taehyung sobbed looking down and he began breaking down. Jungkook held him and Taehyung hugged him hard.

Jungkook sighed and wiped his own tears off, he wished he could tell Taehyung that he was wrong but right now, he couldn't say that. He knew, Hoseok had messed up this time.
The night they broke up

Hoseok kept calling Taehyung. He kept leaving messages, sobbing and begging for him to give him a chance. Not to block him out, he begged and kept asking him to meet him once. But it was to no avail, soon the message box was full and Taehyung later switched his cellphone off.

Hoseok called the phone at his home, he left messages there as well but it was the same story. Hoseok finally collapsed onto the floor as he cried and then passed out.

The day Taehyung and Jungkook met:
He had no idea after how long he woke up, he heard birds chirping and knew it was morning. He staggered onto his feet by clutching onto the bedding. A small picture frame holding a picture of the two smiling at each other. Hoseok held that picture close and began sobbing on his bed.

His body physically hurt, he dug his nails in his arms as he winced around. He knew he was wrong and he should've confessed earlier but this was exactly what he was afraid of.

"Why!?" Hoseok got up and kicked around on his bed. He threw the bedside lamp against the wall and then pulled the drawers off of the bedside cabinet. He grabbed a chair and flung it at the the mirror in his room and it shattered.

He fell onto his knees and looked down at his reflection into the broken pieces. He was disappointed and disgusted with himself.

He crawled back up somehow and reached for his phone but it was out of battery. He staggered to the washroom to shower so that he could go meet Taehyung.

"Tae--Taehyungie.." he stuttered. As he stripped off, his body aching and breathing irregular as his chest began hurting. He turned the water on and the hot water touched his sensitive skin. Hoseok couldn't even breathe, his hands were shaking and he felt nauseous. He somehow managed to dry himself and staggered out. He couldn't even dress himself with how much his hands were shaking.

He dressed up after struggling for about an hour and then stumbled onto his feet and took the support of the wall as he walked downstairs. His parents had gone to meet his maternal grandfather and so he was alone.

He walked down the stairs slowly, still sobbing, he grabbed his car keys and sat in the car and began driving. He was driving rashly and panicking as he did.

But he was so desperate and sorry, he reached Taehyung's house at about 7am. He walked in and everyone working there was shocked at his appearance. He looked pale and his eyes barely open, he could barely walk or even talk.
"Tae.." he mumbled as he pulled himself up and held the railing to walk upstairs.

He opened the door and saw Taehyung asleep. He looked dull, his expression that of distress and pain, his eyes swollen as he lay there on the soft mattress. Hoseok saw how much he had already hurt him, he didn't deserve more pain.

"just leave him alone." his conscience said softly. But how could he? He walked a step further, his hands reaching out to him, Taehyung sighed in his sleep and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You took his smile away. His looks so distressed and sad. You did this. Don't beg for forgiveness, you know he deserves better. Just leave him alone. If you love him then let him go." the words echoed once more.

He remembered how Taehyung hugged him when he cried, all those days he comforted him when he saw the medical reports and he was still with him. His boxy smile, his twinkling eyes, his endearing gaze, how kind he was, and how precious he was.

He needed better. He deserved better. And with that Hoseok took a step back, he kept thinking of the beautiful memories they shared and had. He wished there were more, he wanted more but didn't want to be selfish anymore.

Hoseok kept stepping back as he thought of how he had to let Taehyung go. He ran downstairs and to his car, Taehyung suddenly woke up to the sound of the footsteps and ran out.

By the time he reached downstairs, he was informed that Hoseok had left. Taehyung panted as he looked around, he grabbed his phone and saw that his message box was full. He didn't want to hear it though so he texted Jungkook.

Jungkook spent the night at Taehyung's house. The boys asleep peacefully, Taehyung had cried alot but Jungkook had managed to comfort him.

They both woke up to the ringing of Jungkook's phone.
"Hello?" Jungkook mumbled sleepily.
"What?" he jolted awake and Taehyung sat up too.
"Since when?" Jungkook gulped.
"I'll... I'll be there." Jungkook said in a shaky voice.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked him.
"I..nothing." Jungkook said trying to find his shoes.
"Tell me!" Taehyung held his hand.
"Hoseok hyung .."
"He's missing."

Author's note

I'm late but I had to give a speech in college today :3
Went well! 💀

Also my ex has been ApOlOGisIng alot. Kms. 😑

Vote goal after a long time 700! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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