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Jungkook wakes up to the ringing of his phone, it's 10am.
"Yes, Jin hyung." He says groggily.
"Namjoon is in the hospital! Please hurry!" Jin shouts.
"What? I'm on my way!" He gets up in a haste, barely wears his shoes. His house is grand, being the son of one of the richest tycoons in Seoul had it's own style.
"Where are you going?" His mom asked him.
"Namjoon's. See you. Bye." He kissed her cheek.
"Be careful." His mom smiled at him. As he was running off, he bumped into his father.
"Bye." Jungkook said curtly as he left his bungalow. And drove off.

"Where's Kim Namjoon admitted?" He asks breathlessly at the help desk.
"Room 103. Straight then right." The spectacled nurse answers politely.

"Hyung! Is he okay?" Jungkook asks breathlessly as he enters the room.
"What.. the... Fuck" he says as he sees Namjoon laying there with a plastered leg.
"You broke your leg?" Jungkook asks annoyed.
"And for that you were yelling?" He rolls his eyes and takes away the juice from Namjoon's hand and drinks it.

Namjoon laughs. 
"Well, you wouldn't rush here if I told you that I had mild fracture. "
"Just say you wanted to scare me." He narrowed his eyes.
"Well yes. " Jin and Namjoon laughed.
"How did you break it anyway?" He asked as he sipped the juice.
"I.. was leaning far over to save this cat from falling and..."
"He slipped on a banana peel that he threw on the porch." Jin said plainly. Namjoon felt his ears became hot and pink out of embarrassment.

Jungkook almost choked on the juice as he laughed. His face turned red as he got breathless from laughing for a good 10 minutes along with Jin.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny." Namjoon pouted. Jin pulled his cheek and kissed him softly.

"Ugh. Such cringe." He teased the two. Jungkook had known then since he was in college. And they were the one who had helped him out in his desperate time of need. He had major family issues but he didn't like thinking about them at all.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon spoke up.
"Yeah?" Jungkook looked at him as Jin took away an injection from him. He pouted.
"It's not something you can play around with. For God's sake behave like the honor roll student you are." Jin shook his head. Jungkook wasn't the most mature person around but he was very sensitive and lively.
Jungkook smiled at him.

"Yeah, hyung?" He asked casually.
"I need you to take my classes for a while. " He said and smiled as he saw Jungkook's eyes widen.
"No no no no no" he shook his head.
"Please! Please! Please!" Jin held his hands.

"Ugh! I am not a good teacher though." He tried.
"You have to teach a six year old boy. I'm sure you can manage and besides you're great with kids since you have the same mental level as them" Namjoon teased.
"Do you want my help or not?" Jungkook scowled.
"I do. I do. Please! I had promised him that I'll take his son's classes. He happens to be a family friend, you know. Please!" Namjoon gave him puppy eyes.

"Oh god. Fine. But just till you're better." He sighed.
"Okay!" Namjoon smiled at him and Jin hugged him.
"Here. This has all the details, the address, his name and everything." He gave him a paper.

"Okay." Jungkook kept it in his pocket without looking at it.
"Thank you, brother " Namjoon hugged him slightly and Jungkook smiled at him and turned around to leave.
"Let me know how it goes." Jin hugged him too and he then left.

As he drove back, he was so upset that he had to go teach some kid at 5pm. He could be home but now he had to be somewhere teaching a kid. He didn't even need to but whatever could keep him out of his house, helped.

He stopped at a restaurant and met his best friend, Taehyung and his boyfriend Hoseok. Both son's of his dad's college friends. They were all in the same ivy league college and spent most of their childhoods together too.

"Hi, guys." Jungkook sat on the chair and threw his head back.
"We heard about Namjoon hyung. And we hear you're taking his classes for his family friend " Taehyung laughed.
"Ughh! Why did I have to get into this! I don't even know who the couple is and their obnoxious little kid. Ugh. " Jungkook ranted as he drank water.
"Says the 25 year old man with an Ironman phone cover." Hoseok teased him and his boyfriend high fived him.
"Oh buzz off, Disney princess. " Jungkook laughed.
"Hey! I was only watching that movie once." Hoseok pouted and, Taehyung and Jungkook laughed.

They had a great lunch and talked about how they all probably had to join their dads in expanding their businesses. They all felt sullen at the topic, being born rich was obviously a privilege but it did have it's own costs.

"It's four already. Fuck me." Jungkook sighed looking at his watch.
"No thank you." Hoseok laughed.
"I'll think of a witty answer later. See you, guys! " He hugged them briefly and left quickly.
"All the best!" They yelled.
Jungkook turned around waved at them and drove off.

"Ugh. Where the fuck is his house.." Jungkook read the paper and drove around. It was a popular area. He reached in front a beautiful apartment complex, these apartments were sea facing and very beautiful. It was obvious that this couple was earning an okay amount.

He reached the 10th floor and rang the bell.
He breathed in as he read the name.
"Park Jimin." He mumbled.
The door unlocked and he stuck his hand out.
"Um, Mr. Park Jimin I'm... Hello?" There was no one there.
"Hi!" Jungkook looked down as he heard a small voice. A small boy with black hair, pouty lips, chubby cheeks and big round eyes. Wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans.

He could swear, this was the cutest kid he had ever seen. He didn't even reach his waist.
"Hi! I'm Jungkook, your math tutor." Jungkook smiled as he bent down to talk to him.
"Oh! What about Namjoon uncle?" He asked shyly.
"He isn't well. I swear I'm just as good " he smiled and pulled his cheek.
"Okay! Come in!" He bowed and let him in and ran inside.

"Dad! My math tutor is here! " He ran inside.
"Okay! Just a second, Jihyung!" Said the voice.

Jungkook stood around in their living room, everything was so clean and beautiful. He stared at the beautiful pictures of Jihyung that hung on the walls. There was a grand piano in the house, he saw Jihyung knew how to play it. Surprising for a child that young.

"Hi, I'm Jimin!", Jungkook turned around and his heart skipped a beat. He was beautiful. Blonde hair, pouty lips, big wide eyes and his beautiful scent.
"I'm.. I'm Jungkook." He extended his hand.
Jimin smiled and shook his hand.
"It's a pleasure meeting you!" Jimin smiled shyly, he hadn't felt shy in years. What was this?

They stood there for a few seconds. They snapped out of it as they heard Jihyung suddenly press the piano keys all at once. Jimin laughed and went up to hug his son.

Jungkook stood there admiring them. Maybe this teaching thing could work out.

My son's tutor (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now