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Update! 😭💜
Wattpad was bitchy all freaking day. Hope this works!


Jungkook huffed and walked out of the apartment completely broken. Jimin had just thrown him back so harshly down to his reality that he could barely breathe as he walked out. 

He felt he was stupid and naive to think this way. This is what he got for loving someone, he made the biggest mistake ever. He felt hurt and guilty for Jihyung being yelled at and stupid for still being in love with Jimin.

He drove blankly, his heart beating frantically and breathing irregular. But he felt so void of emotions. Jungkook sat in his car and drove off to his house.

He reached in a bit but by now he was just so tired. As if breathing took effort.
"Jun--" he heard his grandmother but he just ran to his room and shut the door. Jungkook sat on his bed, not knowing what to do, he just stared blankly at the ceiling as he lay on the bed.

He got up and went to shower, his body now feeling weak and head spinning from overflow of emotions and thoughts. He felt as if his own child had been taken away from him. As if his own family was breaking apart, he had felt this fear since childhood. But the words
"This isn't your family!"
Were all he could think of. In these past few days he had forgotten the truth, that this in fact was not his family. Jihyung was not his son, and Jimin was not his husband. They weren't his.

Jungkook got out of the shower and wore a white T-shirt and black pyjamas and lay down on his bed. He kept looking up as hot tears irritated his eyes but he felt so overwhelmed that he could not cry.

He picked his phone up to call Tae and ask him to go clubbing with him but when he did, he accidentally clicked on his gallery and the picture of him and Jih pouting with Jimin standing at the back admiring them popped up. Jungkook stared at the picture, emotionless.

Jungkook got up, went to a random club alone. He started drinking and soon he was losing his senses. He was kissing people against doors, walls, on couches, anywhere but it wasn't helping. He got sick soon and threw up in the washroom and almost passed out, he felt someone feel his pockets and trying to steal his belongings and he fought back, the man landed a punch straight to Jungkook's jaw making him hit his head against a door. He almost blacked out when he heard someone quarrelling and saving him from the man and the man fled. The club owner recognized Jungkook and called his father to have him picked.

Jungkook's eyes fluttered open to find Tae, Hoseok and his father helping him up, his vision was distorted and blurry. He grabbed onto his father's shoulder, barely being able to walk and comprehend what they were saying. He glanced over to see his father paying someone something as he was being taken away.
"Jimin.." he mumbled as they took him away.
"It's okay.." Hoseok stroked his back. They were driving to hospital to have Jungkook checked for a concussion or any injury since he could barely respond to what they were saying but halted when he signalled them to.

His father stroked his back as he vomited on the side of the road while Tae helped him by holding him up.
"Why is becoming like this.." his father said disturbed by the sight. Jungkook was never like this, never this reckless. Tae and Hoseok went silent. 

The doctors checked him, his pupils were responsive, but he was very drunk. Too drunk to respond, so they worked on that. Jungkook woke up groggy and and with a dry mouth. He saw his father sitting there cupping his head, Jungkook felt so guilty and ashamed being there like that.

"Jungkook.. You okay?" His father asked and held his hand.
"Yes.. I'm... I'm okay. " Jungkook managed, his head hurting a little.
"Mr.Jeon. Feeling okay?" Said the doctor who was an old man, Dr.Wang. He took out a tiny flashlight to check his eyes.
"Yes.." Jungkook said.
"You will have a sore head for a few days, you're lucky to have sustained no brain injury. The blow was pretty bad, and the levels of alcohol in your system were so high, you could have gotten poisoned. " The doctor shook his head.

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