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Update! 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜


"Hey, beautiful! What are you looking at?" Jungkook said walking up to his grandmother who was smiling as she ran her fingers over the picture of her husband. Her eyes had tears in them but she had this soft nostalgic smile on her lips.

Jungkook's heart broke as he saw the picture frame in her hand. He stood next to her and looked at the beautiful memory. His grandparents looked like royalty.

His grandfather stood tall, his sharp striking features making him look so handsome as he beamed at his wife. His grandmother looked like a princess to him, the beautiful dress flowing down her skinny frame as he she blushed and looked up at her husband and gave him a beautiful smile. They were madly in love.

Jungkook wiped his tears off quickly and spoke up.
"This is beautiful." he managed to say  and she nodded in agreement.
"He's so handsome, isn't he?" She said still looking at the picture. Jungkook let out a breath and hugged her lightly. She sighed and put the picture back and picked up another one.

It was from their honeymoon. They stood in front of a waterfall as the wind blew hard making her cling onto her husband as he chuckled at her cuteness.
"You look so cute here!" Jungkook beamed looking at another picture. It was his grandparents holding his father who was then 4 at the time, in their arms and smiling.
"Ah yes. I love this photograph." she said walking up to him and looking at the picture.

The house in the background was tiny, surroundings full of trees and the sun shone brightly.
"For a second I thought that's me!" Jungkook laughed seeing his resemblance with his dad. His grandmother laughed cutely.

"You are a lot like him. Hardworking, diligent, confident, bright.. " She said and Jungkook beamed at her.
"And stubborn.." She pinched his nose lightly. Jungkook pouted and shook his head in completely denial.
"Your father wanted to make us proud all the time.." she smiled and looked at one of her son's pictures from his late teens, as he sat on the chair next to his father, hugging him and smiling brightly. Jungkook felt a dull pain in his chest, he never had these kinds of pictures with his parents, because he didn't have a relationship like that with them.

"You and grandpa were perfect. Like a fairytale." Jungkook smiled picking up a picture that showed his grandmother wearing a long sparkly gown, she looked down and smiled as she struggled with the heels she wore, and his grandfather looked at her endearingly, holding her close by the waist.
" He made my heart skip a beat everytime. He was so handsome and... What do you kids call it now? Hot." She chuckled and Jungkook blushed and laughed.
"I would follow him around the block sometimes, I found it so attractive when he'd sit aroud reading and sometimes he'd look up and smile at me. I swear, I felt like my heart would burst." she blushed talking about him and Jungkook was awestruck. She still blushed talking about her husband, and acted like a 16 year old with a crush.

" Whenever I think about him.. I remember all the good times like taking you to the park and him singing lullabies to you." she stroked Jungkook's hair and they both teared up.
"I used to hug him and sleep, it took me years to get used to sleeping alone.." she choked back a few tears and picked up a portrait of him.
"But in my dreams he's always this 24 year old man I saw reading at the bus stop everyday. I always feel the same butterflies when he looks up at me. I remember everything.. his scent, his smile, his voice. Everything.. " she said holding the picture close and Jungkook sobbed silently.

Flashback (6 years ago)

" Ji-a! " She heard.
" What?"
" I can't find my spectacles! " her husband pouted as he looked around while wearing them. She chuckled softly and walked up to him.
"My dear husband. They're right here." she said kissing his nose. He chuckled and shook his head at his forgetfulness.

My son's tutor (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now