Jack looked back at the plantation worried about what would happen to him. He made eye contact with one of the slaves and winked. A sign he’d be back soon. That was the last time anyone saw Jack. He never came back.

Miriam hurried from the house she finished her work for the day. She had saved some food for Jack. She quickened her steps thinking of the grin that would appear on his face when he’d see the plate full of food. She entered her allocated hut. “Jack!!” She called out. He wasn’t in the hut. Miriam sighed knowing he was playing with his friends again. She left the plate on the table and went to Jack’s friend’s hut.

She knocked on the door and a woman answered. “Good evening Miriam.”

“Good evening. Is Jack here?”

The woman froze. She didn’t reply “Come inside Miriam.”

“I have to find Jack...” Miriam was saying.

“Miriam you have to come inside.” She took Miriam’s arm and led her inside their small hut. The woman’s husband John was sitting by the fire.

“John, Miriam is here.” The woman said softly. The man turned slowly towards the two women.

“What’s wrong? Has Jack been hurt?” Miriam was beginning to panic.

“You might need to sit down.” He pointed to a small stool.

Miriam grunted in annoyance. Now was not a time for fun and games. “What has happened to my son?”

The man paused for a moment not knowing what to say. He looked uneasy as the words came out of his mouth “Jack was taken away by one of the master’s men and hasn’t come back since.”

Miriam’s world came to a standstill. She knew. She knew what had happened. She tried to open her mouth but couldn’t. She began to cry. No. This couldn’t be happening to her. No. Not her. They couldn’t have taken her little boy away.

The man’s wife gathered Miriam up in her arms and tried to comfort her, but she would hear none of it. Anger ran through her veins. She tore herself from the woman’s arms and ran out the door. The couple called after her but she wouldn’t listen. She kept running. She ran out of the slave quarters and into the master’s house. She was going to get an explanation from him.

She knew her way around the master’s house well and it didn’t take her long to find him in the study sitting at his desk.

“What have you done?” She screamed when she saw him. “What have you done?” She came closer to him. “You’ve just sold your son!!” She pointed at him. “Your own flesh and blood. How could you do this?” Miriam ran up to him and dug her sharp nails onto his flesh drawing out blood.

George called out for help and before Miriam knew it, two of her fellow slaves had her in their grasp. Miriam struggled “Let me go!” She screeched, but the men wouldn’t let her go,

“You witch!” Miriam flinched when he slapped her. She looked into his cold eyes.

“You monster.” She whispered. “I curse the very ground you walk on.” George’s eyes widened. She knew his fear of her people. She understood he was a very superstitious man. “You shall rise up and be a great man but your end will be just as swift and cruel. You will die a slow painful death and you shall burn in hell!!”

George slapped her again and Miriam laughed “You took my son away from me. Kill me and I’ll haunt you from my grave.” She laughed again seeing George’s fear.

“Get her out of my sight and call the slaves. Tell them they have a show on tonight.” George sneered. Miriam smiled. George didn’t scare her.

Caged Bird ScreamingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant