"I'm the midnight-to-EIGHT man."

Start from the beginning

Our small talk changes topics quickly as he leads me through what seems like a short tunnel. Up ahead I get a glimpse of the opening and a few empty seats in the stands. The heat of the late summer sun is the first thing that hits me as we step out of the tunnel. I suddenly remember the first game I attended, and now that I'm looking at this somewhat empty stadium it feels weird being here. 

"You're over there." I follow his finger to a section of the stadium that already has a few persons seated. "I have some editing to finish, but if you want me to save you from the WAG's just send me a text."

I make a face as I look back at him. "What the hell is a WAG?"

He chuckles softly. "Wives and girlfriends." Oh. "Good luck, B."

I manage to keep my eyes on my feet as I make my way to an empty seat two rows down from the group of women. I look straight ahead as the very sight that I rushed here to see is laid out before me like a well-seasoned seafood platter. I cross my legs and slouch a bit as my body gets comfortable, the field before me is filled with sweaty men in shorts and cleats.

I'm so happy that I didn't spend my morning watching people in their twenties play teen characters in a cliché-filled movie. This is way better. My eyes dart back and forth as I watch the squad complete drills over and over. I smile slightly as I spot Emilio, well the first thing I see is his hair fluttering in the wind as he dodges expertly while passing a ball to his teammates.

I also see Vicente and Homura. I watch them too but for some reason my eyes keep searching for Emilio's body. And as I sit here, the other players become unimportant as I follow Emilio like a hawk watching its prey from above. His agility captivates me, the way his head tilt sideways as he chuckles at something that's said to him in passing, and the way how he places both hands on his sides as he's listening keenly to a member of the coaching staff all has me paying too much attention to him. 

I feel weird.

"Excuse me?" I reluctantly tear my eyes away from the field. A tall, brunette is standing over me with a small smile on her face. "Hi."

I nod at her with a smile, and without any form of invitation she occupies the empty seat beside me. "I'm Lori." 

I look down to see an outstretched hands, on her wrist sits a diamond encrusted bracelet, rings don her fingers and I can see that she has invested greatly in a manicure. I shake her hand briefly. "Balei."

I sit up with straightened shoulders, my body language changes instantly but it seems as if Lori is unable to tell. "I've never seen you at an open session before."

I look back at her as it seems I won't be getting away from this conversation. "This is my first time."

She nods. "Oh, that explains it." Her eyes turn to the field. "Which one is yours?"

I resist the urge to scowl. "None of them actually." I see confusion on her face as she looks back at me. "I'm just a lucky spectator."

Lori smiles but I can tell that she has instantly lost interest in my identity. "That's wonderful, well I'll leave you to it."

"Nice meeting you." This is a blatant lie and I think she can tell as she just nods at me with a tight smile as she stands. I roll my eyes, the feeling of satisfaction that I had before that small conversation is now gone. 

The sweaty men on the field don't pique my interest anymore and so boredom strikes as I continue to watch. I'm no longer fascinated by the sights as they're doing the same, repetitive drills. I tell myself that these drills may be effective, but there's nothing in this world that would influence me to return to another open session.

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