00; Prologue

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The worst had happened tonight, with no warning. No sailor was prepared for it. It was the total darkness that had conquered the night. The clouds had thickened and the sky was struck many times by thunderous lightning. The wind had arisen to push the once-still waters to choppy, which soon morphed and transformed into mountains of angry waves.

Four sailors struggled to bring the sails down, and tie them off. Many sailors slipped and slid on the rain-soaked deck. The entire crew was in rush and dismay, panicking to get their jobs done onboard. But they were no match for such a powerful angry storm. The wind slammed the rain into their faces like tiny pebbles and shoved their hoods back.

The ship rocked upon the choppy waves, tall walls of water crashing onto the ship and flushing the sailors. The men onboard the ship held tightly onto the mast, onto ropes, anything. It was difficult to hang on. Another bolt of lightning struck near.

"Call the master!" One of the sailors shouted.

Mr. Johnson finally opened the door of the safety of his studies inside the ship, rushing onto the deck to join the rest of his crew. The storm was against him as well. The wind firing millions of bullets of rain into his face. The waves rocking the boat side to side and making Mr. Johnson almost lose his balance.

"The storm is too strong!" Someone called. The wind flailed the mast like a simple flag in a hurricane. The mast even began to rip and tear from the wind's strong force, flying off into the darkness of the storm. Another large wall of a wave crashed onto the deck, washing the ship's crew off their feet. After all the storms on the sea that Mr. Johnson had been through, there was nothing like this one. He even felt a bit of doubt sink into his gut, but he immediately pushed it back down.

Mr. Johnson rushed over to the ship's railing, catching one of the loose flying ropes and beginning to tie the rope down with all of his might. "Come on men! Don't let a storm stop 'ya!" Mr. Johnson encouraged, raising his voice to shout through the storm's wails and howls. The seas roared like a thousand lions, mother nature seeming unhappy with the new hope onboard the shaking ship.

The storm only grew, louder and stronger. As trying its very best to take down and destroy the ship with its outraged thunderstorm. The sailor crew did their very best in fulfilling their chores, but with a torn mast. They were losing more and more control of the ship. Many men slipped and fell down on the deck soaked with sea and rainwater, water leaking in through the floorboards and filling up the sailors' cabins underneath the deck with water. Another giant flush of water, broke onto the ship's deck, beginning to flood the ship with water.

"We've lost the mast and control of the ropes master!" Some of the men called in a panic. Mr. Johnson heard. He was uncertain on how long the storm would really last, but he was possible that it would indeed be clear by the morning. The men and the ship would have to hold out until then. Unfortunately, his doubts kept him wondering whether that was possible.

"Look!" Sailors cried out in alarm and fear. Mr. Johnson was forced out his thoughts when he heard the scream of a sailor abandoning ship and jumping overboard. He almost barked out the order to fetch the man until his eyes caught sight of movement in the dark sky and through the rain. He finally saw what the men were shouting to look at.

A dragon, entirely made out of the water of the storm. Mr. Johnson firstly thought it was his eyes playing a trick on him until he realized that he and his whole crew could see it. It blended in with the landscape happening all around them. The rain, darkness and the rising and falling waves of the sea. It could only be some sort of illusion of a dragon. A creature whose body is made just out of the water. Could it really be mother nature punishing them? Or god himself? Sending a dragon of water to flush and tip the ship over and send them to drown in the ocean.

Mr. Johnson could barely believe his eyes. But the water dragon was real of course. Its body kept gathering up water from the skies and seas the longer it existed, the creature growing bigger and bigger by the second. Its wings flapped and beat, making no sound at all. The dragon watched the crew on the ship as the storm took advantage of them and sent another tsunami onboard.

That's when Mr. Johnson saw the only piece of light he had seen throughout this entire storm. The dragon held it within its nostrils. Fire. A water dragon made entirely of water, still being able to hold fire. How was it possible? The crew of sailors around Mr. Johnson panicked, while only he stared at the beast. The dragon stared at Mr. Johnson, with only shallow holes in its skull where its eyes were meant to be. He already knew his fate. The ship would not last until morning. He was now positive about it.

The dragon made a sound at last. The storm and ocean joined in with the creature. It released a roar that made the ship's floorboards tremble and start to snap. Mr. Johnson and his crew blocked their ears at the loud siren-like noise. It was ear-splittingly painful. Mr. Johnson knew this was it. It was the end and he could not do anything about. If this was what God wanted and he sent this creature upon him and his crew, he was willing to go by fate.

Marielena was the last thought that came to his mind. He smiled at the thought of his little girl. Live well.

The water dragon finally dived down onto the ship, releasing its own storm of fire upon the ship, swallowing up the ship in flames and ashes.


Hey guys, this is just a quick sneak peek or prologue for you guys. I want to give this story a shot, so let me know any of your thoughts.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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