No Dares... For now >:D

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Elys: Heya guys, i'm here for another chapter... Yaaay *sarcasm*

Red: You okay... You sound pretty sarcastic...

Elys: I'm fine, just no dares for today

Pokespe: YAAAAY!!

Elys: This is too short... Soo were doing something different...

Pokespe: *sweat drop*

Elys: Don't worry.. It's not a dare

Pokespe: *sighs in relief*

Yellow: Soo... W-what are we doing today??

Elys: We are doing *drumroll* a Pokemon Battle Tournament!

Pokespe except Yellow: YES!!

Elys: But, we have to leave Red out of the tournament...


Elys: Your the Champion of Kanto remember?? You'll just gonna sweep our team...

Red: >:(

Elys: I'm really sorry :(

Yellow: C-can I also s-skip this??

Elys: Sure....... >:3

Blue: *whisper* You have a plan don't you?? >:3

Elys: Yes... Yes I have *evil laugh joined by Blue*

(A/n >:3 hehe...)

Elys: Let's get the battle started! :D

*everyone except Red and Yellow got teleported to the arena :D*

Elys: Here are the rounds!

Round 1: Green vs Gold
Round 2: Platina vs White
Round 3: Black vs Emerald
Round 4: Blue vs Crystal
Round 5: Sapphire vs Elys :)
Round 6: Ruby vs Silver

~Time skip... Coz I'm too lazy~

Winner: Elys

Elys: Well..... Good job everybody!

Green: How the heck did you get a Rayquaza and an Articuno?!

Elys: Exploring...


White: Black, PLEASE don't shout!

Sapphire: I still can't believe that I lost to prissy...

Blue: Btw, where's Red and Yellow??

Elys: Oh.. There having fun... >:3

Green and Silver: I have a bad feeling about this...

Everyone except Blue and Elys: Yeah...

Blue and Elys: *evil laugh* hehe...

Everyone expect Blue and Elys: *sweat drop* uuuhhhh...

Elys: Well, let's get back to the mansion...

*everyone teleported back to the mansion*

White: Soo... Where is Red-san and Yellow-san??

Elys: Blue, you say it!

Blue: Elys poof them away to somewhere, not really far from the mansion so they can have a date...

Elys: Now I just hope that Red won't be dense... 😓

Everyone: Yeah.......

Elys: I guess this it for this chappie :3

Blue: Please send in dares for Elys!

Green: Pesky woman...

Silver: Which side are you on nee-san??

Elys: Thanks Blue, Please send in dares... I don't want to make my own!

Gold: *whispers* Don't send in dares *karate chop on the head by Elys* Oooww...

Elys: Don't listen to him, he's kinda stupid...

(A/n Not really but... Yeaa he is kinda stupid 🙁)

Gold: (TAT) that's hurtful ya' know...

Elys: Anyways.... Thanks for reading! Can someone do the disclaimer?!

Blue: ElysiaTrainer75 does not own Pokemon....

Everyone: BYE!


Thanks for reading this chappie... I hope there's no typos in this.. Please keep reading this and I'll try to make it a daily post... (I actually wrote this during recess at school) Once again please send in dares... So I can have fun and not think of one... (Yeah I'm just lazy)

This is ElysiaTrainer75. Peace out! :D

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