"I'm just glade we can be a little bit more open now, you know?" Hoseok said with a smile. The younger boy's hand rested on the table, Yoongi slowly grabbed onto it with a smile. The two remained like that for a while, when Jin came around with their drinks, the gesture didn't go unnoticed.

"You guys are still pretty close hun?" Jin asked, well it was more of a statement then a question. At the comment the two stopped holding hands, there was a brief moment of what the fuck do we say. Before either could reply Jin was already gone, far too busy with work to catch up with old friends.

Slowly the restaurant started to really fill up, family's and old couples filled the once empty booths. Hoseok and Yoongi enjoyed their seat, it was further away from the central chaos but still close enough to watch. As people came and went the two boys watched intently, creating stories for each person, not really caring if any of them are true. People were strange but the stories Hoseok came up with were stranger. According to Hobi at least three of the people in this restaurant were dolphins in disguise.

As the two patiently waited for their meal they shared countless laughing fits. By the time Jin returned with their plates of food their eyes were filled with tears of laughter. The older gave them an odd look before returning to his job. Before the two could even begin eating they needed to calm down, but that was proving difficult. Surely enough, their loud chuckles turned into soft giggles and they could finally eat. Hoseok enjoyed some fish and chips, while Yoongi chowed down on some pasta. They both throughly enjoyed their meals and were rather quick to finish them.

When Jin came around with the bill there was a bit of a conundrum. See, on dates with straight couples the guys usually pays at least in the first date. But there was not a girl in their relationship, thus the issue. Both insisted upon paying it and it quickly turned into a big deal.

"Yoongi, just let me pay I wanted to take you here." Hoseok reasoned. Yoongi wasn't having any of it, he wanted to treat Hoseok and what better way to do so than pay for dinner. They both bickered back and forth until Jin came back around to collect the money. As soon as the man came into sight Yoongi ripped out the money he had in his wallet and threw it at Seokjin before Hoseok had the chance. Yoongi gave a sly smirk as Hoseok flared at him, there was tension in the air. As the waiter watched the two boys he couldn't help but be confused. Those two were rather... odd, not in a bad way. There was just something that felt like it was hidden. Jin left their table for the last time, saying goodbye to Yoongi and pretty much ignoring Hoseok again. The younger couldn't help but feel a little bit hurt, they were friends for a short period of time after all. Before Hoseok had enough time to get annoyed the two boys were walking out of the restaurant.

Hoseok waited until they were in the safety of the car to kiss Yoongi. He had been wanting to for hours now but they obviously couldn't. Yoongi was a little caught off guard by the sudden action. But quickly melted into the kiss.

"What's that for?" Yoongi asked after the two pulled apart. He started up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

"What I can't just kiss you? I have to have a reason?" Hoseok asked accusingly. Yoongi just let out a slight laugh in response. The two sat in near silence again, Yoongi's hand resting on Hobi's thigh. Hoseok quietly hummed to show tunes still stuck in his head from the play. The younger rested his hand on top of the older's. After a little while Hoseok stopped humming and turned to the older.

"Hey, in that song when you said you turned away from your hope... were you talking about me?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah." Yoongi murmured.

"Awww you called me your hope." Hoseok cooed. Yoongi glared at his boyfriend, but a blush took over his face. Rather than responding Yoongi just let out a loud sigh.

"What! I was just gonna say it was cute." Hoseok murmured. He still played with Yoongi's fingers as they rested on his thigh. Hoseok couldn't help but love Yoongi's hands. They were just so big and nice, and fit perfectly around his own hand.

"I think that'd be a cute nickname, Hope." Hoseok suggested absentmindedly, still focusing on the older's hands. At Hobi's words a smile crept up on Yoongi's face. He considered the pet name perfect for his boyfriend.

"It really is, and it suits you." Yoongi remarked, as he drove he reached into his pocket to retrieve a cigarette. He older managed to take one out and lite it without even looking. The older rolled down the windows before letting out a breath of smoke. The smell was gross, the smoke even more gross.

"You should really stop doing that." Hobi mentioned, sad that he couldn't hold Yoongi's hand anymore because of the smoke. Yoongi let out a sigh.

"I'm trying Hope, it's harder than it looks." Yoongi said before taking another drag. The car turned a corner and they were on their street now. Before too long they were in the drive way, not leaving just yet.

"I know, I'll be there for you if you need me at all Suga." Hoseok responded whilst undoing his seat belt.

"Thanks Hope." Yoongi replied, throwing the last of the cigarette into the lawn. Yoongi was about to get out of the car when Hobi pulled him back in.

"I can't get a kiss goodbye?" Hoseok asked innocently. Yoongi just smiled before caressing Hoseok's face and going in for a kiss. And then another kiss, and then another kiss. Just as one kiss would stop, another started. It was a seemingly never ending cycle of lips, tongues and teeth. That is until Hoseok's phone started going off. At first the two tried to ignore it, but then it didn't stop. They both let out a disappointed sigh before Hoseok picked up the phone, it was Jimin calling.

"Hobi... I fucked up.... I fucked up really badly and I can't-t I can't fix it. I need-d you really bad Hobi." Jimin desperately cried into the phone. There was a look of panic on Hobi's face as he heard one of his best friends melt down.

"Jiminie, where are you?" Hoseok asked, trying to seem calm.

"I'm where I always go." Jimin answered before hanging up. Hoseok knew exactly where Jimin was.

"I'm sorry Suga, I gotta go ji-"

"It's okay. I heard, go help Jimin. He sounds like he needs it." Yoongi cut off. Hoseok have his boyfriend one last kiss before venturing into the dark park, in search of his crying friend.

The Park Down the Street || Sope✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя