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Mer's POV

"Did he seriously just pass out?" I asked, turning my head to look at where Aaliyah laid him down.

"It's happens to the best of them." The doctor said. "One more push and she'll be out. Are you ready?" I nodded. I grabbed Karen and Aaliyah's hands and pushed one more time. Then I heard it. I heard her crying.

"It's a girl!" The doctor said passing her to the nurse. "Alright baby B is right behind, you've got to keep pushing."

"Did she just say baby b?" Karen asked looking at me. I turned and looked at Aaliyah, she was the only other person who knew about the other one. I guess the cats out of the bag now.

"Listen I would love to explain this all to you later, but I'm a little busy." I said while pushing.
"5,4,3,2,1. Beautiful job Merci!" The doctor said. The nurse handed me both of my children, and I was was exhausted. In a moment of bliss, the nurse took the smaller baby from me and wisked it out of the room.

"Where are they going?" I asked panicked.

"They've got to make sure everything is alright with the baby, it's alright Mer." The doctor said reassuringly. I nodded and looked at the baby in my arms, smiling.

"So you wanna talk about the fact that I just witnessed two babies come out you instead of just Essie?" Karen asked. The other nurse walked back over and said something about some kind of eye goop. I nodded and she took Essie from me.

"I found out about twelve weeks ago. Shawn doesn't know." I said, looking down at my hands.

"How could you not tell him?" She asked.

"They weren't sure if it was going to survive. Due to its size in the womb, they said there was a slim chance it would make it. I didn't want to get his hopes up just in case." I said, laying back against the pillow.

"Is now a bad time to interrupt?" Ally asked, knocking and coming in with Niall behind her holding a bouquet of pink roses.

"You are supposed to be in Ireland!" I said, rolling my head over to look at her. The nurse handed me Essie and smiled before leaving the room.

"You really think I'd miss your daughters birth? You're insane! Besides, we still have time to go back before Christmas. How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I pushed a human out of me," I said, grabbing my daughters hand in mine.

"Mer! She's beautiful, can I hold her?" Ally asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. I nodded and gave her to Ally, and her eyes widened.

"You're a beautiful girl, sweet Essie! Although I really hope mommy has a different name for you! You are so loved baby girl, and your crazy aunt ally will spoil you rotten. I love you much sweet girl!" Ally said to Essie. 

"How long did he last?" Niall asked pointing at Shawn unconscious in the corner.

"He's been out for over two hours! As soon as the doctor offered to let him watch her being born he fell."

"You NEVER agree to watch your baby coming out." He said laughing and sitting down on the floor beside him.

"I tried to tell him." I looked up at the door and my heart skipped. The nurse came in with the second baby and Ally and Niall's face changed.

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong room." Ally said. The nurse looked at her confused and checked the band on the babies foot.

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