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"So what's happening?" I asked standing up from the chair in the waiting room as mama walked in.

"He's got a fracture in his spine from T5 to T10. They've got him in a medically induced coma to keep him from injuring it anymore. They're calling in a specialist to do his surgery tomorrow morning." She said pouring her and mum a cup of coffee.

"Did they catch the guy who did this yet?" I asked pouting myself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. He's in jail indefinitely. Luke may never wake up."

"Oh my god. Do you know where his parents are?" I said leaning on the counter.

"The last I heard, they were making calls. His older brother Ashton isn't doing much better. The driver hit them head on." I can't even start to understand what they are going through.

"Do they think he'll wake up?" I asked sipping my coffee.

"Not without serious repercussions. They have the other neurosurgeon operating on him later today." She said drinking her coffee. "You're aunt Rachel should be here in an hour or so to get the kids."

"I don't mind them staying with me." I said.

"You've got to get ready to leave for LA, Rachel volunteered to take them, plus Ali can get on the bus at her house."

"Do you really think I'm going to go out of the country with my brother in the hospital?"

"Honey you have to, it'll only be for a few days." She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I can call and tell them I can't do the show."

"Now you know you can't do that Mer, we'll FaceTime you every time we get an update from the doctor."

"I don't know how helpful I'll be with everything else in my mind."

"You'll be fine love." She said, walking back towards Lino's room.

I sat back down beside Shawn and put my head between my hands, rested on my knees. He tucked my hair behind my ear and rubbed my back with one hand, holding Henri with the other. Ally was holding Josie

"Aunt Rach is going to be here in about and hour to get you guys." I said to Ali and Aimee.

"I wants to stay wiff you sissy." Aimee said crawling over and holding on to my knee.

"Yeah, I don't like going to Aunt Rachel's, I always have to sleep with Elizabeth." Ali said complaining.

"You start back to school tomorrow Al, you have to get on the bus there." I said lifting my head up to look at her.

"Why can't you take me to school?" She asked playing with her finger nail.

"Moms want you at Aunt Rachel's House, Okay?" I said raising my voice slightly.

"No! I'm staying wiff you." Aimee pouted, gripping onto my leg tighter.

"I'm sorry Aimes, you can't." I said rubbing her head.

"I hate you!" She said getting up and running to the other side of the waiting room. I sighed, getting ready to stand up to go talk to her.

"I'll go talk to her." Shawn said handing me Henri and walking over to wear Aimee was pouting in the corner. Ally got up for her seat and came over to sit with me.

"You should have called me last night when you found out." She said, taking the bottle out of Josephine's mouth and moving her to burp her.

"You were on a date, and what were you going to do?" I asked, Henri playing with my fingers.

God's Plan (formerly fake love) SM Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora