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Shawn's POV
"I'm starting to think the second bottle was a mistake." Charlie said leaving over towards me. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"You think?"

Merci, not sad anymore, was performing a one woman show of high school musical, word for word.

"If I hear the word wildcat one more time, I may loose my mind." Charlie said.

"You shouldn't have bought her anything other that wine."

"I didn't think gas station alcohol would be so strong!" He said raising his hands in defense.

"Were soaring flying/there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach/if we're trying/ yeah we're breaking free."

"At least it's almost over," I said putting my hands on my knees and my head between my hands.

Oh god. She's standing on the couch now.

"Okay, Mer. I think you should end the show early," I said standing up, getting a picture of her falling and breaking her neck in my head that I couldn't shake off. She didn't stop singing, she just held her finger up to her mouth to shush me.

"Mer, listen to me." I said stepping closer to the couch. I grabbed her are gently to get her to come down but she just shoved it off and confined to sing the end of the song. I backed up a little but not enough that I couldn't catch her her she started to fall.

Just as she was about to sing the final line, her foot slipped and she started to fall off the couch. I caught her right before she fell to the ground. Charlie laughed and I turned around and glared at him. This was his fault.

"You saved my life!" She said giggling. I rolled my eyes and she started feeling around my face and my hair. "You know you look like that Shawn Mendes guy." How drunk was she?

Charlie was still in his seat, laughing just as hard as he could.

"That's because I am Shawn Mendes love." I said trying to put her down on the couch but she latched on to my neck and wouldn't let go.

"No silly. You're Prince Cinderella." She said smacking the back of my head lightly. I took this as the opportunity to set her down.

"Mer, Cinderella was a princess." Charlie said in between fits of laughter.

"I appreciate the help man, I really do. But Mer is drunk off her ass and you're not making things any better." I said snapping. I honestly felt like I was taking care of children.

"I'm not as think and you drunk I am." Mer said pointing her finger at me. I groaned and fell to the floor in frustration. "Oh god, I killed him. I was thinking of the unforgivable curse in my head but I don't think I said it out loud." Mer said jumping of the couch and checking my pulse, which was the only Mer thing she's done since this morning.

"I'm not dead Mer, I'm annoyed." I said sitting up. She scooted back and curled into a ball, but sitting up. She rested her chin on her knees and just stared at me, not talking. Charlie was now quiet as well, I'm guessing he sensed how annoying he was being.

Everything was quiet for about ten minutes, just the sound of the tv and the sounds of the road.

"Lazy lover find a place for me again you felt it once before I know you did I could see it in your eyes you're disappointed cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart will go on once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree where they strung up a man they say who murdered three don't be his friend you know you're going to wake up in his bed in the morning  and if you're under him you ain't getting over him.....and I don't know a lyric that had him in it so I guess my song is oOover."

"I'm surprised she got that far." Charlie said, resulting in my smacking the back of his head.

Mer stood up and walked to the back and grabbed her blanket, bringing it back to the common area. She laid on my lap with her head on my shoulder and she brought her blanket up to cover us both up.

"Good night Shawn." She said and before I could tell her goodnight she was gone.

Merci's POV

"Are you sorry Matthew, or are you only sorry that you got caught?"

"I'm really sorry Mer."

"I don't know if I can believe you or not Matthew. Where was you apology three months ago when my bank account had less zeros in it?"

"Mer, listen to me. I don't care about the money , I care about you."

"Yeah, you cared a whole lot when you fucking Breanna."

"Can't you just give me another chance?"

"Why the hell would you think that I would ever give you another chance? The last time I checked I didn't have stupid tattooed across my forehead. Besides, I'm actually in a relationship, but I guess all you care about is yourself so you wouldn't know that."

"That pretty boy doesn't count. You're probably only with him for the fame. He's as ugly as my grandmas wrinkly ass and sings just as bad as her blind cat." ohhhhh my blood was boiling.

"Listen here jackass, when I get done yelling at you, you're going to hang the phone up, delete my number, and never contact me again or so help me god I will come to your house in the middle of the night and rip your balls off and feed them to your dog. Now you can say anything you want about me, but you mess with my family, you mess with my boyfriend, and that's just something I'm not okay with. You are a condescending, misogynistic, good for nothing asshole and I hope you rot in hell you bastard." I said annunciating every single syllable to make sure I got my point across. I hung the phone up and stuck my phone in my purse before stepping out of the rest room.

I checked my face in the mirror before walk back out to the bus. We are currently at a rest stop in Kansas to switch bus drivers. The boys are still on the bus asleep because it's about 2am.

As I stepped on the bus, I turned off my phone and plugged it in, not feeling in the mood to deal with whatever it would bring me next. If it's not one thing, it's another. I kicked my shoes off at the couch before heading back to the bunk area.

"Mer, is that you?" Shawn asked peaking his head out of the curtain with his eyes closed.

"Yeah. Just go back to sleep." I said whispering, pulling my hair into a bun after taking my sweatshirt off.

"What are you doing up, it's the middle of the night?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"I had to make a phone call," it wasn't a total lie, I just wasn't the one to press call.

"You sound upset. Are you okay?" He asked opening his curtain all the way. I was a little take back, he wasn't wearing anything but basketball shorts.

"I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." I lied. I was livid.

"Babe, please don't lie to me." He said, his voice very deep from him being halfway asleep. I sighed.

"No I'm not okay. But I've handled it, so I will be fine. Eventually." He held open his arms and I walked into them. My body sank into his as his arms engulfed my body into a secure hold.

"Love, I don't ever want you to feel like you have to lie to me, okay?" I looked up at him and nodded.

He let go of me and patted the space beside him, I rolled my eyes before hoping onto his bunk and crawling beside the wall to lay down. He laid down beside me and pulled the blanket over both of us before shutting and buttoning his curtain.

Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his as I rested my hand on his chest. There was nothing but the light sounds the bus made on top of the pavement to lull us back into a deep slumber.

Yalllllll.....this is literally the cutest thing over probably ever written in my life ❤️❤️❤️

God's Plan (formerly fake love) SM Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora