Chapter 15

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3rd person Pov
After a long hard day of school lauren retired to her room to go call her brother... who decided to not answer...twice.

The tired girl gave up and decided to go talk to her mother who had just arrived home "Hey mom"

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" She asked

"Honestly, I hated it, Olivia has turned all weird and horrible, everyone was staring at me, the only person who was actually okay with me was Jay, were in more of the same classes but seating plans have us in opposite ends of the room, it was hard, let's just say that" the girl confessed

"Well honey, try to last this week, if it's still too hard I'll set you up with online school like zach, but you have to still try really hard and do lots of work,okay?" The mother replied taking the girl into a hug

"Thanks mama your the best" The young girl replied

Little did The younger twin know, the reason for her brother not responding was due to him being in a very important meeting, making why don't we an official thing.

Five very happy boys walked out of the management building into an uber, none them able to wipe away the huge smile upon their lips

"Did that actually just happen?" Jonah smiled

"I think it did" Corbyn replied

"I'm so happy, I think we should totally celebrate" Daniel smiled

"Agreed" all the boys chorused

"Hold On Lauren's tried to call me, lemme call her back real quick" Zach said looking at his phone as they pulled up to the air b&b

"Hey lozzy" zach said taking a seat on his bed

"Hey Z" said a deflated Lauren also taking a seat on her bed

"Hey hey what's up Loz" zach said requesting a FaceTime call to see his sisters face

"Well school for a start" Lauren sarcastically laughed accepting the FaceTime and setting her phone on her bedside cabinet

"What happened?" Said Zach propping a pillow behind his head

"Well everyone hates me, Olivia has changed, the only one still okay with me is Jay" she sighed

"Lauren I'm so sorry, it's because of me isn't it?" Said zach feeing awful

"No no not at all!" Lauren lied to save the feelings of her brother "it's just, everyone's changed and so have I guess"

"Well it's four weeks till I can see you again, if that helps" zach said

"It does, it really does" Lauren smiled

Daniel thought he heard the voice of his beautiful girlfriend so he headed upstairs to see and he was right, it was Lauren, next thing he popped his adorable face onto the screen giving Lauren a toothy grin which Immediately lifted her spirits

"I've missed you Dani" she smiled

"I miss you too Lozzy" he replied

Corbyn came in to see what was going on "Yo I totally ship #Laniel" he yelled earning a glare from Zach who still wasn't 100% convinced on the whole 'Laniel' thing.

Next thing all five boys were in the room "oh hey Lauren we had something to tell you" Jack spoke up

"Ohhhh what it is??" Lauren questioned

"Well today we were at The HQ for Atlanta records...." Jonah started

"Andddd??!!" Lauren smiled

"WE BACAME AN OFFICIAL BAND!!" They all yelled together

"Eeeeeekk YAY!! I'm so proud of you boys!!" Lauren said excitedly.

Zach's pov
I need to stop it.
But I can't.
But I have to.

I can't stop looking at Jack, his smile is so perfect, I just want to hold him. I have to stop this.
YOU ARE 15 ZACH STOP I lectured myself in my head while still having my eyes glued on is perfect body.

I force myself to look at the screen to see my happy sister, I feel really bad for her, she's being bullied and it's my fault, I knew it was, Lauren can't lie to me. I can see right through her.

After all five of us are done talking to Lauren we go downstairs and all sort of separate to do our own thing, Daniel and Jonah go to the store to get some more food, Corbyn goes to Call Isabelle...I think it was, and me and jack are playing on the x-box.

"Dude I'm so bored" i said after legit 10 minuets "let's go do something"

"Like what?" Jack asked putting down his controller

"I don't know...ummm...we could go to the skate park we saw today and you could teach me how to actually ride a board?" I said, praying he would say yes, all I want is some alone time with him....ZACH LISTEN TO YOURSELF, YOUR GOING INSANE

"Yeah sounds like fun, see you at the door in five" YES YES YES YAYY

"K cool" I smiled going to grab my shoes and skate board

Jack's pov
I keep having these thoughts, these feelings, they are strange, they are weird. I don't understand them, I feel some type of way, or at least I think I do, towards Zach.
It might just be that I see a really good friend in him. I hope it is. I mean yes obviously it is, JACK LISTEN TO YOURSELF.
You are a straight guy, you've had to many girlfriends to be gay...okay so only three but still!!

Jack stop it, imagine telling your mum that you had a boyfriend she would disown you!!

I need to collect my thoughts, skating usually helps me do that, even if I am going to help Zach learn how to skate, it's a bro thing tho, right?

My head is so confused.

Jack. Listen. To. Me. ~ your heart

Jack. Stop. Being. Stupid. ~ your mind

I put down my board, grab my pillow and scream into it, scream real loud, scream till my voice box aces and is screaming even louder at me to stop.

I godda get my head in the game.

I put on my helmet and head to meet Zach with his board, as I promised, to go out and skate, a bro thing..


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