Chapter 9: No Exit

Start from the beginning

A few more seconds, Scorpius threw a pillow at Albus. Albus got hit by it, and he was surprised at first, but after he burst into a fit of laughter, and Scorpius can't help but laugh as well, seeing Albus happy makes him happy too, after all. So both boys laughed. Their room full with cheery laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Albus said in the middle of laughter.

"You're the one who started it!!" Scorpius replied.

"Alright, alright," Albus said, catching his breath from too much laughing as he does so, "So where were we again?"

"I asked if I were your bestfriend." Scorpius recalled for the latter.

"Oh right," Albus started, "Of course you are. You're my bestfriend Scorp, my one and only."

"You promise?" asked Scorpius.

"I promise." confirmed Albus.

"Then do you promise to tell me everything and not keep secrets from me?" Scorpius questioned.

Albus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Al, listen to me," Scorpius started, tone serious and all, making Albus feel an odd feeling of nervousness. Scorpius has always been the cheerful and bubbly one. Seeing him like this was, well, rare.

"Do you," there was a hint of hesitance in the blond's voice. "Do you like, don't you want to go home?"

Albus was confused at first, but as he digested the question. He came to realize what his bestfriend wants to talk about.

"Oh, we're going to talk about that." Albus said, tone with a way too much of distress, much to Scorpius' liking.

Scorpius frowned. "I thought it was only good to talk about it... I mean, it was such a serious matter, an important one even, but since no one is bringing it up I decided that maybe I should just--,"

"You're rambling Scorp."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to," Albus said.

The room was filled with silence once more, until Albus decided to break it with a sigh.

"Scorp... Look," he started, making Scorpius look at him, "Of course I wanna go home. I miss my siblings, I miss mum, I even miss dad, and I bet you miss your father too. I'm so homesick Scorp, I bet you are too, and I'm just so tired with time travelling and I just..." Albus stopped, "I just want to go home..."

"I know..." Scorpius started, "but Snape said--,"

"Fuck what Snape said. His potion is probably just some weird kind of flower juice."

"He's called 'Potions Master' for a reason Al."

"Yeah, but did his potion work?"

"No," Scorpius started, "but maybe we did something wrong."

"Oh for crying out loud, stop putting the blame on us Scorp!" Albus complained as he plopped down his bed, staring at the ceiling above.

He later on sat up, when he felt a weight on his bed and figured out that it was Scorpius, holding a--

"Is that Snape's potion?" Albus asked, once seeing the familiar potion in his best friends hands.

Scorpius only replied with a cheeky grin and a nod.

"Why you!" Albus laughed, "But how?"

"I think you're forgetting that Draco Malfoy is my father. I got a few tricks up my sleeve." Scorpius cheekily said.

"Why well then, Mr. Oh-so-Cunning, why don't you teach me some of your tricks?" Albus asked.

"Nah, a magician never reveals his secret." Scorpius went along, into  which they both laughed at that.

"Seriously though, I think we did something wrong." Scorpius said, handing Albus his vial.

Albus accepted it, "Well what is it Mr Oh-so-Cunning?"

Scorpius can't help but laugh at the nickname. "When we first drank this, we were forced to do it. I mean, we drank it because we're scared and rushed to do it."

"Who says I was scared?"

"You can fool another wizard but not me Al. Anyways, so I think maybe if we weren't scared, or rushed, maybe if we want to drink it, like we actually want to drink it, like we wished for it, maybe, maybe it will work?"

"Oh!!" Albus said, "I think you got it figured out!"

"I know right?!" Scorpius grinned.

"Let's try it." Albus said.


Albus was just about to drink the potion, but Scorpius quickly stopped him.

"But wait! You gotta wish first!!"

"Oh, okay then..." Albus said. Honestly, he thinks wishing is unnecessary, but he chose to trust his best friend. There's nothing wrong with trying after all.

So both boys closed their eyes, and each made a wish.

'I wish to go home with Albus.'

'I wish to forever be with Scorpius.'

Once don wishing, Scorpius opened his eyes.

"You done?" Scorpius asked, Albus replied with a smile and nodded, which made Scorpius smile back in return.

"So here's to going home and being bestfriends forever?" Scorpius asked, holding his vial up as if it's some kind of wine.

Albus only chuckled, and with a smile on his face, he replied;


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