Pour me out: He is We

Start from the beginning

You let out a slow nod. And a breathy, “Okay.”

Then you close the wooden door.

Were you suppose to cry?

Wasn’t your heart supposed to be broken?

Well, that’s one less thing to worry about.



Find me outside,

Sitting in the rain,

On the curb in pain,

My heart is breaking

You sit outside on the concrete, sobbing.

You had just gotten into a fight with Luke about something you don’t even remember.

He brought up your insecurities though.

And you ran outside.

You felt pain, wanting nothing more than to be in Luke’s arms.

Even though your face was in your hands and it was raining, you heard footsteps behind you.

You look up to see Luke standing with roses picked from the garden and an apologetic look on his face.

You stand up and immediately pull him into a hug, which he returns.

“I’m so sorry,” he mumbles into your hair, “I’ll never do that again. I love you, Y/N, I love you so much.”

“I love you so much, Luke,” you whisper back.

Everything’s okay.


My head was led by the lies you told,

 But to this day my heart you stole in a bind left behind waiting for your call

“I’m with the boys.”

“My mum wants me home.”

“Luke and I are going out for a movie.”

Michael told you numerous excuses to not be home at not.

But you knew he was lying.

You were in love though.

A silly, young girl in love.

You started messing around with Ashton while Michael was out though, it started with an accident.

Ashton treated you better than Michael ever did though.

You were currently watching a movie with Ashton, waiting for a phone call from Michael.

Some excuse about going to the club with Calum, probably.

You were cuddling with Ashton, which turned into a heated make out session.

“What the heck?!” You immediately pushed Ashton off of you to see Michael in the doorway.

“What are you doing here?” You ask frantically, sitting up and smoothing down your hair.

“I live here too! Ashton I’m going to kill you!” Michael screams, rushing forward to violently attack Ashton.

You scream, jumping in front of Ashton. Calum rushes forward, grabbing onto Michael to hold him back.

“Why would you do this to me, both of you?” Michael demands.

“You’re never home, Michael!” You yell, suddenly furious. “You always make some excuse to not be home! And I know they aren’t true.” You cross your arms, glaring at Michael who glares at you right back.

“With my best mate, Y/N? Maybe I don’t want to be home because then I’d be with a slut like you,” he scoffs.

You rush forward, slapping him. “Get your crap and get out.”

“Really? You’re kicking me out? I should be doing that to you, cheating slut!” Michael hollers.

“Just leave!” You scream back.

“Fine!” Michael rips out from Calum’s grip and runs out.

What did I just do?

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