Lou had heard of the Crimson Moon Pack. She knew they were small and a relatively new pack, but she knew very little beyond that. Come to think of it, she didn't even know the name of their Alpha. Her father hadn't wanted her to know those things. It wasn't her place.

"Will is the Alpha?" she wondered. She needed to figure out as soon as possible just exactly what she was dealing with.

Kristine shook her head, but a male voice from the doorway answered. "Nope, he's the Beta. Cain would be our fearless leader." Lou turned to see a huge man leaning in the doorway, dressing in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. His shaggy blonde hair fell onto his forehead, resting above a pair of gentle brown eyes. Eyes that were just a moment ago begging for her attention.

"Ryland, I take it?" she said, eyeing him up and down. His physique was impressive. Although Lycan's were naturally more athletic and muscular than humans, muscles like his didn't come without quite a bit of work being put in.

"The one and only, gorgeous," he teased, which immediately raised her hackles. She wasn't in the mood to be made fun of, teased, or propositioned. Males liked to call her gorgeous mockingly, she knew that. She was good for one thing and one thing only: mating. Continuing a male's purebred bloodline. No male would want her for any reason beyond that. Which was why she swore to escape them, even if it meant being a lone wolf. This pack would be no different. She had to get out of here.

Ryland must have sensed her anger, because he raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean anything by that. I just don't know your name."

"That hardly seems necessary," Lou snapped, reluctantly untangling herself from the blankets and rising. Thankfully, she was still dressed in the thermal underwear, black leggings, and thick hoodie she'd been wearing underneath her snow gear. She just needed to figure out where they'd put all of her stuff.

He frowned in confusion. "I'd say it is. You're staying with us for a while."

"Says who?" Certainly not she. She would be gone as soon as she could locate her gear.

"Says Cain, our Alpha. You're not to go anywhere until he decides."

Now she was really angry.

"I'm not a part of his pack. He doesn't get to decide jack shit about me."

Ryland's eyebrows raised. "You try telling him that."

"I absolutely will. Point me the way to the fearless leader." They'd see how fearless he was when she was done with him.

Ryland chuckled. "Oh, it would be my pleasure. He's in his office, if you would follow me."

He turned from the doorway, which led into a massive kitchen. She didn't have time to admire the beautiful room before they had crossed it and were striding down another hallway.

Her male companion rapped his knuckles on a closed door. "Cain, our guest would like to have a word with you." He stepped back with a low chuckle. "I can't wait to see this."

A low, gruff, baritone answered, muffled by the thick wooden door. "She's awake, is she? About time."

She didn't care for this Alpha's tone. She was already irritated, but now she was ready for battle. She would be leaving today. She had to, for her own survival.

The large wooden door swung open, leaving Lou face to face with a solid chest clad in a black t-shirt. The poor piece of fabric was just about stretched to its limits. She looked up and up and up into the bearded face of Cain, Alpha of Crimson Moon Pack. His bright, intelligent blue eyes narrowed now at her, obviously sensing her mood. She didn't look or flinch away. She was an Alpha too, and she'd spent the majority of her life arguing and fighting with Alphas. She wasn't afraid of them, and she wasn't afraid of this one.

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