Cold Shoulder

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"Tell me what!?" Emma snapped again. I stood there with my mouth agape and looked at my mate in wonder. Everyone was staring at her in shock and relief. I ran to go wrap my mate in my arms but an invisible force stopped me. I pouted and looked at my mate who seemed to have a powerful aura around her. She stared back at me in boredom while she continued to snack on her chips. I sighed in defeat realizing she was being difficult again, but what was even more surprising,  is that she walked out the door without saying anything to her family. We all stood up to follow her and Katy tried calling her name, but to no avail. We followed her to the living room like a lost puppy, to find her sitting on the couch watching TV. We stood in the room in silence until Emma's mom spoke up and said," Em are you going to tell us how you're here and what happened?" Emma looked as if she was contemplating something, then shrugged and went back to watching TV. Silence continued to fill the air and everyone was getting anxious. Every time someone tried to approach her they would be deflected by an invisible force. Even her mom who I now know is a witch, couldn't get through. Colton seemed to be fed up with Emma's behavior and exclaimed,"stop being a brat and tell us what happened! We were all worried about you." In a second Colton was up against a wall and Emma holding him by the throat. Something was wrong, Emma was different.



How dare he call me a brat, I thought. I was shaking so violently spit was flying out of my mouth, as I talked. "I'm a brat!?  I was the one kidnapped by some thing! I was the one beaten for acts of defiance, I was the one who had to watch innocent people die. You don't know half the things I've been through over these past two weeks, yet you dare call me a brat!" I said with so much venom. I let him go and Colton crumpled to the floor gasping for air. Feeling irritated I plopped back onto the couch and let down my force field. Everyone sat there gazing at me and I couldn't take it anymore so I teleported to my room. I had learned a lot after being kidnapped, some of  my powers. Laying down on the bed in defeat, I closed my eyes and started reliving the days that I was taken.


I woke up from my unconscious state after being stabbed with the needle. I could tell the vampire who captured me was more than a vampire just by his smell. Looking around I noticed I was in a cell. What was really cliche was that everything was covered in silver including the chains that were restraining. I heard a slight cough and a weez next to me, and snapped my head towards the sound. Sitting across from me was an old women, maybe in her 80s, who seemed to give off a powerful aura. Trying to get a close look at her shaggy frame, I couldn't help but feel a strong connection towards her. I was about to ask who she was when she beat me to it," My name is Marianna, but you can call me Maria." I furrowed my brow in thought, because that name sounded so familiar especially when she had my mother's name. Something told me I knew her and I couldn't help but feel protective over her. My attention soon snapped to an approaching figure. I could smell the disgusting stench of a rogue and watched as he opened the cell door. Since I couldn't see his whole face the only view I had was a side view that showed a scar running down his face. He was talking to the old lady in a hushed tone. I trained my ear to hear more but was stopped when I saw the rogue grab on to the women's grey hair and she let out a yelp. For some reason I got so angry at him hurting her that I let out a growl and yelled," get away from her you mutt!" The rogue snapped his head around giving me his full view of his face with the scar connecting to his eye all the way down to his mouth. He smirked at me then let go of the old women's hair. She gave me a relieved look but I didn't get to look at it for long, before I was being pulled forcefully by my hair. A slap connected with my cheek and I glared into the man's eyes. He could've been attractive with his  blue eyes and dark hair, but his scar messed it up. His tall form was crouched as he fanned his breath in my face. "I'm going to make your time here a living hell. But first, I'll inform William you're awake". With that the rogue left and gave me a quick glance before he went back to the place he came from. I gave a sigh of relief and touched my split lip, I looked at the blood in my hands, and glared at it. A hug suddenly enveloped me and I looked up to see the old women hugging me. I patted her back awkwardly and she looked up at me with a warm smile. I stared at her piercing blue eyes and couldn't help but think of my mom. I was about to ask her a set of questions when a pair of feet headed towards our cell.

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