"Remember ? You almost killed a girl with strawberries"

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Summary : Sanem is jealous and Can knows it. And he is tired of hiding their love...  So of course, he has a plan.

When Sanem told him she wanted to keep their couple a secret, he agreed, thinking it would be for a few days. But it's been 4 weeks now and Can was tired. All he wanted was showing with pride his beautiful and crazy girlfriend to the world. And he was sure of it, tonight was the night. The company won a very big trophy for one of their campaign and a big party was taking place in a very fancy hotel. Everyone was going to be there. All the employees of course, but also actors and actresses, models, singers and the whole jet set universe. Can of course wasn't goint to wear a suit. Last time he wore one was at the opera, when he kissed Sanem for the second time. The scariest but also the best moment of his life. He remembers everything about it. Her hands shaking, her scent of course, her smile when she discovered the truth. That night was magical. And he sure hoped the one to come would be even better. 

He bought Sanem a beautiful dress. It was a surprise. He asked her sister to put it on her bed. Leyla knew something was happening between Can and Sanem. First, she pushed her sister to tell her everything, the "when", the "how", the "where". But she realized Sanem was not ready to share her secret with her for now. So she stopped asking. It didn't mean she stopped wanting to know. She went to Can's house one day, and fortunately for her, the man was way less shy about his couple. He told Leyla how much he loved Sanem and that he would do anything for her. 


The party was starting very soon and Sanem was still at work. Can asked her to leave earlier, but of course she didn't listen to him. And now, she was rushing to finish everything before she could come back home. She had no idea what to wear, she didn't even have time to think about it. Maybe that perfect pink dress Can picked for her a long time ago? Sanem was not a party girl. She loved barbecues, family diners, she loved going to the lake or eating under the stars. She didn't know what to say to all those important people. She agreed to come because the whole company would be there. Ok, and also because Can asked her. She promised him one dance. Not more because she didn't want everybody to talk about them. She knew perfectly how Guliz could create drama from every tiny details. 


When Sanem entered the beautiful ballroom, she felt all the stares on her. Only one mattered though. She saw him, a glass of champagne in one hand, his jacket in the other one. Her heart was beating so fast. She was wearing his dress, the one he chose for her. When she found it on her bed, she almost cried. Can was so perfect she didn't know how a man like him could be in love with a girl like her. 

The dress fitted  perfectly. It was made of a delicate red organza. Can remembered this butterfly she made for him one day, so he asked the fashion designer to embellish the long and flowy skirt with some tiny ones, made of swarovski crystals. It was very inconspicuous but it was the perfect way to tell everyone, "She is mine". Her shoulders were covered with a beautiful transparent fabric and her neckline was reveling her sexy collarbones. For her hair, Sanem decided to go with a high ponytail, so that she could wear her mom's golden earrings. 

"You look amazing", Can whispered in her hear. Three simple worlds that made her shiver. "Don't forget our dance", he said, leaving her still mesmerized by him. How much she wanted to stay next to him the whole night. How much she wanted to kiss him in front of all of them, and to take his hand just to feel his warmth. 


Everything was going just fine. Well, it was going just fine until she saw this girl with her boyfriend. Who was she anyway? She was tall, she was blond and she was certainly a model. But what was she wearing ? Was it a skirt or a belt ? God dammit what did she just do ? Did she just touch Can's left arm ? Who allowed her to do this ? And why, oh why was Can so cool about it ? "Calm down", said Sanem's inner voice, "she is probably one of his friends, he knows so many people". "Oh come on Sanem, she looks like that girl from Vogue Magazine and look at her, she isn't letting his arm go. Do something girl or you are going to regret it !" Sanem's mind was so confused, as usual. But she was trying everyday to hide her relationship so she couldn't do anything about it now."Ok, then don't do anything and let this girl flirt with the man you love. You are a pain in the ass Sanem". 

She finally decided that going to Can and this girl won't reveal anything about them being a couple. It would just be one employee talking to her boss. "To her very sexy boss... Stop Sanem !"  So she approached them, all innocent and cute. Inside, she wanted to kill the girl. 

"Hi Can bey", she said not looking once in the girl's direction. 


"I thought that maybe you'd like to dance"

"I would love to dance Sanem, unfortunately I'm in a deep conversation with... What's your name again?"


"Right, Olga, she is from Russia"

"Hi, Olga, from Russia", answered Sanem, unable to hide the anger that was increasing inside her. "So Can Bey, no dance?" 

"Not now, maybe later". 

How could he ? And what was even worse is that Sanem was absolutely sure that Can was having this "I'm winning the war" smile when he denied their dance. Sanem could care less about the war right now. The man she loved bought her an incredible dress, and she saw how he looked at her during the party. She was his, and he was hers. Except she was ruining everything - again - because she was to scared to make a public move. "THEN DO SOMETHING". Her inner voice was screaming. "Act like an adult for once". She went back to Can and this Olga girl. Walking faster than ever. Without even thinking about it, she grabbed Can's collar and kissed him so passionately the entire room stopped breathing. She had no idea how long it lasted, but it was definitely the sexiest moment of her life. After a few seconds, Can reacted by putting his two big hands around her face, on her cheeks, then on her waist, still kissing her. Both out of breath, their lips finally separated, but not their eyes. Both of their stares were having a secret conversation "I love you, your are mine". 

"I guess there's no need to hide anymore", said Can as he was caressing her hands. "Have I told you that jealous Sanem is my soft spot", he continued, very amused by the situation. 

"I knew it, you did this on purpose". Sanem was shaking. This was definitely not how it was supposed to be or how she wanted to reveal her relationship with Can. Ah Sanem... Ah...

"Remember ? You almost killed a girl with strawberries...", he said, still smiling like a child.  "Sanem, isn't it the perfect time for a dance now ?"  

Can and Sanem, a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now