Chapter 7 Can We Start Over

Start from the beginning

"i promise to he honest no matter how much i feel it might hurt you" Harry says

"first i want to know how many people you cheated on me with, I don't want details or names i just want a number?"

Harry takes a deep breath and looks at louis in the eyes "5" harry says

"seriously i always thought is was more" Louis says surprised

"yeah seriously that is all, i understand why you would think it was more but that is all just 5" harry says

"but wasn't i enough for you, why did you have to cheat on me" Louis asks almost cryings

"i guess it was just that just as i was working my way up the corporate ladder and started my own business i thought i was unstoppable and i could do what ever i wanted, and i know that i took advantage that you loved me so much and because we always worked everything out i guess that is why i just kept doing it and when you actually divorced me i fell off my high horse when you signed the divorce papers that day at the judges office and asked about changing your last name back to Tomlinson was to real for me and its when i realized that you were leaving and i had lost you and i couldn't deal and when you walked away from me at the train station that hurt more than i can ever explain especially when i didn't even know where you had moved to, but after all this Lou, i cant image my life without you its just like when you just left me at the train station and i saw you leave, Lou i am really sorry about everything i ever did to you"

'harry i know you are, but Harry i have never ever even have given you a reason not to trust me why did you even accuse me of being with another man"

"i guess its because i knew how easy it was for me to cheat that i knew how easy it might be for you, its all guilt from my side" harry says as tears start to run down his face" i know how amazing you are and i get scared that one day you will figure out that i am not worth your love and might find someone that will not hurt you like i have and i don't ever want to live knowing that i lost you because of my mistakes,, Lou i really am trying hard to make you fall in love with me again, i realized that it is you and only you that i am in love with no one will ever even come close to being you"

"Harry, i love you to it has always been you, i don't ever want to spend my life with out you but you have to stop with all your stupid jealousy and the same way i am learning to trust you, you have to trust me i have never done anything to you to ever make you not trust me" Louis says as he tries to hold back his tears but fails" i don't want to keep repeating the same shit that happened in the past i just wont, as much as i love you i refuse to live the rest of my life in fear that you will go back out and cheat, i have had plenty of opportunity to go thru your phone i never did because i wanted to trust you but when you went and got mad because i answered it that just brought back all those times in the past that you would be all secretive and those times i knew, i wasn't stupid Harry but i loved you so much that i played dumb until i caught you but Harry I refuse to do that anymore i won't"

"you dont have to worry about that i am done being stupid Louis i swear these last 2 month were the worst  even worst than when you divorced me because at least with the divorce i knew where you stood with us but these past 2 months it was torture because i kept thinking you would never going to call me and as much as i talked to Liam and Zayn they wouldn't tell me anything, they just kept telling me that you will call me when you were ready, and i had to trust them but as the days went on i was loosing hope then i would spend time with the twins and i would get a flicker of hope"

"yeah i know Liam would get mad at me because he said that i wasn't just torturing you but me as well but i just wanted to prove a point to you, harry, i will not put up with repeating the past, Harry i love you with everything in me and that will never change, you know its crazy how you can be my strength and my weakness and that still scares my Harry it scares me to be with you and it scares me to be without you"

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