~Chapter 3~

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Flashbacks will be written like this

F/b-Favorite book

B/f/n-Best friends name


Slender had a somewhat shocked expression on his face, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he tried taking it all in.

"I see," he spoke, breaking the seemingly endless silence, practically staring into Y/n's soul before he had stood up slowly and left the room for a few moments before someone with black hair and slender framed glasses and a doctors lab coat on. The man had black hair and dark, red eyes and pale skin, His doctor's coat had various syringes and medical gear. The one thing that stuck out with the strange doctor was his name tag, labeled "Doctor Smiley. The other thing was the small machine he was carrying behind him that was making a low humming noise and an Anesthesia mask strapped to it.

Smiley crouched in front of you with a raised eyebrow at your condition, Running his gloved finger across the open wound, making

 you flinch away from him as his chuckle was slightly muffled from the surgical mask he was wearing, before holding his hand out in a joking manner when he noticed your bounds.

"Too bad I won't be able to kill you, after all, Slender would be furious if I broke his new toy."

"Fuck you."

He laughed as you only growled at him, e/c eyes glaring holes into his eyes as your hands clenched tightly, wishing you were free so you could have punched him in his face. Slender too was pissed off at this point and reminded him of what "he was originally brought here to do."        Smiley then got to work, taking some of the supplies and setting them on the interrogation table, then turned his focus on onto the machine, playing with some of the buttons before picking up the face mask and attempting to place it on your face.

"No! Don't you dare-" You thrashed, moving your torso as far away from the doctor as possible. Smiles placed his hand over your mouth much to your dismay and held your head still, finally placing it on your mouth and tightening it there, finally letting go of you and walked over to the interrogation table, picking up a silver scalpel and examined it for a bit, before he walked back over to your still struggling body, laughing as your movements began slowing. He began cutting off half of your sleeve and exposing Zalgo's mark, running the scalpel on the outline of the scar. The last thing you remember was Smile beginning to finally make an incision, then fading away.

"Sissy! sissy! look!" your 5-year-old sister grabbed your hand, dragging you over to the old television your father had insisted on keeping. "Yeah, that's cool, S/n." you didn't bother paying attention, too wrapped up in an old book you had just found. 

"No! Y/n! look!" She pointed to the tv, which at the moment only had static playing. You set the book down, cocking an eyebrow at the tv and then S/n, assuming she was only playing pretend you played along with her. 

"What's happening on screen, S/n?" you suppressed a laugh, but glad she had such a vivid imagination. 

S/n held up a picture she had been messily drawn with crayons. There was a brown pirate ship with a face on it, and a redheaded pirate scribble and numerous other characters such as a skeleton, a little girl with blonde hair, and a taller figure with red hair and a long beard.

"Great job, S/n." You had started to get a little creeped out by how intensely S/n seemed fixated on the screen filled with static and white noise, just simply patting her head and cautiously continuing on reading your book and keeping a closer eye on S/n until your "parents" had finally come home, your mother with an annoyed expression on her face as she stared at you and your little sister with a look of disgust. You had immediately put the book away, not wanting your mother to see your enjoyment and take it away from you. She set the groceries on the counter, teeth still grit as she leaned against on the counter and crossed her arms, glaring at you.

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