Espresso Love: Fragments

Start from the beginning

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About Espresso Love

[ Dystopian / Philosophical / Magical-Realism / Literary / Romance ]

Award-winning pioneer of the cell phone novel movement in the West, author of "Secondhand Memories", "Move", "All's Well That Ends Well", TAKATSU, will be experimenting with an ambitious full prose narrative.

A literature-afficionado meets a strange girl in a coffee shop and shares an intellectual conversation, ultimately sparking a journey against an oppressive system, mindless agents and civil unrest for his past, love, and soul - but yet all that remains is a peculiar coffee order.

Espresso Love is a literary fiction project that challenges our views of the human condition, the capitalist mechanism and reality, set in dystopian Tokyo, where the System drains identity, thoughts, memories, and emotions.


"They say your order reveals the depths of your being. Like wearing your heart on your sleeve."

Sometimes the small things in life, are the start to something bigger.

Sometimes it is all that's left, to remind us of who we are.

"System is Everything."

An Individual vs System novel.


"An interesting 'vapoury' style that seems to hover off world at times. ...atmosphere and dialogue are strong...shows assurance and poise. Also very promising in suggestions. ...Author's intent to invoke/evoke mystery is very effective...haunting and strange (which is good); intelligence present on page...some sense of terror in the core here... You're on to something different, striking."

- B.W. Powe, Associate Professor, Dept of English, York University and author of "A Tremendous Canada of Light", "A Climate Charged", "Outage", "The Unsaid Passing", and "Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye: Apocalypse and Alchemy"


"Struck me to the very core of my being..."

"Intellectually challenging..."

"Very interesting concept of reality... Thought provoking.."

"Like a seven course meal full of spice and illumination... One does not listen to a classical piece to get to its ending. No. It is the ride, the moment by moment...a genuine Masamune among stories."

"...your words, the effect of them on my mind as coffee to my senses..."

"Espresso Love is highly intelligent and worthwhile reading...profound and multi-layered."

"I am awestruck at the philosophical stance of your writing. Your writing is akin to that of Murakami in its surrealist execution."

"It's not a regular thing to find a piece of work that oozes sophistication and embodies literature and art in Wattpad."

Espresso Love: FragmentsWhere stories live. Discover now