Chapter 4

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Early Saturday morning Eva eats her breakfast and drinks her medication for her thyroid. She's halfway through her closet when she hears a bike. It cannot be Torin can it? She looks through her window and there he stands in the driveway. She goes down stairs and opens the door. He doesn't say a word, just enters and takes of his helmet while she closes the door. "Guid mornin' lassy, misst me?" She shakes her head. "Stop it Torin, ye sound just like Seth. Whit ar ye daen here?" He takes his backpack of and takes out a heap of papers and pamflets. "This is the application tae join the weightloss clinic and the clinic's exercise program, here ar some pamflets if yer Parents want tae look at it. Here's a yoga exercise book if ye want tae scan it before ye start exercising ... but ... I'm actually here tae cam pick ye up for a special appointment at the clinic at eleven'o clock. I want ye tae phone yer Dad and ask his permission tae gae tae the clinic." Without thinking Eva runs up the stairs and grabs her phone. "Hiya Dad ... nae Dad there's naething wrong. I'm feeling good this mornin'. I want tae ask ye, if I can gae tae a weightloss clinic with a friend ... yes they help people tae lose weight and hav a gym where I can exercise with an instructor. I would really like tae gae there a few times a week ... okay thenks Dad ... aye ... aye I'll get ye all the pamflets and application forms. Okay Dad, enjoy the rest of the weekend. Bye ..." When she turns around Torin stands in her doorway and he looks totally out of place in his leathers in her lacey bedroom.

He looks at her and then he starts to look around in her room. She wonders what he thinks.
"So this is Miss. Eva's private courters. Very girly and nae what I've expected." She throws her phone in her bag, grabs a jacket, and walks towards him but he does not move out of the doorway and she stops about a meter away from Torin. He looks at her and grins. In her sneakers, she is a bit shorter than the night they went dancing and she has to look slightly up to him. "Afraid to cam nearer Lassie?" She knows he is flirting with her again and she does not understand his motive. "Nae Torin, but if I keep walking I'm gaun tae bulldoze ye into the hallway. I hav the weight tae put behind the effort." He moves out of the door and wait for her to precede him to the stairs. She just knows the bastard is looking at her ass, she can feel his eyes on her. What kind of person in his right mind would flirt with a fat girl like her? "Um ... how ar we supposed tae get tae the clinic, remember Henry is nae here." He laughs. "I brought ye a helmet Lass; we're gaun with the bike." She looks at him when he puts his helmet on inside the house. "It's ye who want me tae stay incognito, dinnae look at me like that. Ye're helmet is outside on the bike." She has not ride on a bike before and she is not sure if she wants to. Outside he gives her the helmet and she puts it on her head. When she gets onto the bike, she does not know where to put her hands. She hears him chuckles and he reaches behind him, grabs her hands, and pulls her arms forward and around his waist. "Lass, sit nearer tae me and hold on." She does as he says and finds the ride exerilating. She thought she is going to be scared but she enjoys it tremendously. At the clinic, he stops at the back, underneath a carport and when she gets off, he turns to look at her. He is surprised and very happy to see her big smile. "Ye enjoyed it dinnae ye?" She laughs aloud. "Yes I enjoyed it and now I wonder why I thought it would be scary." He takes her to his friend Dr. Toni and tells her he will be in the gym if she needs him. She speaks with Toni about her health problems and afterwards Toni weighs her, fills in her chart and makes her a file. Then he takes her to the gym, where she meets the instructors. To her surprise, Torin is one of the instructors and Toni tells her that since she already knows Torin, he will be her instructor. When Torin takes her to his office to decide which exercises she is going to do she cannot keep quiet any longer. "When were ye gaun tae tell me ye work here on a part-time basis?" He turns up his shoulders. "I thought ye would realise it soon enough. I am usually only here, from five tae six on weekdays if Toni needs help with a patient. With ye, it is a bit different and nae, I am nae gaun tae explain. Just ken that I am yer instructor and mentor and we are gaun tae work together tae achieve yer goals, nobody else's goals, only yer's." He opens her file and sees that she has a goal of loosing at least 30 kilograms. "Eva, honey, I see ye want tae lose 30 kilograms. It is a lot tae lose, so dinnae think it is gaun tae happen in two or three months. It is gaun tae be hell and at times ye ar gaun tae hate me, but I promise ye if we dae it my and Toni's way ye ar gaun tae see results eventually. Ye need tae lose the weight slowly in order tae nae pick it up again.  Ye stick tae the diet yer GP gav ye and ye cam tae the gym each day. For the first month, it is nessacary that yer body learns tae work properly between the new way of eating and exercising. Yer muscles ar gaun tae be extremely sore but ye must nae stop because of the stiffness. Yer legal Guardian must sign the permission form, since ye ar not eighteen yet. Whit time each weekday ar gaun tae work for ye?" She thinks about how much time she has on her hands and wants to laugh. "It really dinnae matter tae me; I hav all the time in the world. Ye must tell me whit time will work for ye. I ken ye hav grading of books and papers and other stuff teachers do." He thinks for a moment. "Well if ye hav time then maybe we should make it from four to five, then ye hav time for homework right efter school and then gym before dinner. Then yer Mother cannae complain that yer gym interferes with family dinner. There's someone else I want ye tae meet, she's a fashion fundi like we call her. She is gaun tae help ye as ye lose weight, tae change yer clothes' style tae suit yer body." There is a knock on his door and a beautiful plus size dark head woman enters. "I hope I'm nae late Torin."

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